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By Compassion






2004年3月 正式成为亚洲动物基金“拯救黑熊爱心大使”

2005年1月 认养取胆熊“宝贝”

2005年9月 在成都举办个唱,传播拯救黑熊信息

2006年5月 捐赠成都个唱所得,为黑熊买“蜂蜜”

2007年11月 捐赠五万大圆,为黑熊买“蜂蜜”

2008年5月 捐赠七万大圆贺父亲七十大寿

2009年3月 再次来蓉看望“宝贝”和最新救助的黑熊













每只可爱黑熊的助养费为人民币50元。如有意助养黑熊,请将你的捐款通过邮政或银行的方式送至四川龙桥黑熊救护中心。并请务必在邮局汇款单上留下您的详细通讯地址及助养黑熊的名字。如果通过银行转账捐款,请将您的通讯地址、联系方法、捐款信息及你所助养的黑熊的名字通过传真或电子邮件 info@animalsasia.org发送给我们, 以便我们为您寄出捐款收据、感谢信和资料夹。


Freed from the cages of hell, the full metal jacket bears

By Compassion
Citizens in China rescue bears from a bear bile farm (photo from

Citizens in China rescue bears from a bear bile farm (photo from

PEERING through the rusting bars of his squalid cage, this bear is about to escape a medieval hell thanks to a British charity.

Animals Asia have rescued 10 terrified brown and moon bears from one of the worst bear bile farms it has ever seen in China.

Charity vets and volunteers believe that eight of the bears lived for years in illegal full metal jackets designed to stop them moving.

These hideous contraptions make it easier for farmers to milk their gall bladders for bile which is highly prized in traditional Chinese medicine.

But the bears are now safe in Animals Asia’s sanctuary in Chengdu, Sechuan, after being driven for four days and 1,500 miles across China.

After undergoing medical treatment, they should be able to join 170 other rescued bears, enjoying their freedom on grass once again after years of walking on metal bars.

The team from Animals Asia, led by petite blonde Jill Robinson from Enfield, north London, have been campaigning for years to get bear bile farms shut down.

The bile is used to treat illnesses from headaches to haemorrhoids but synthetic drugs have been shown to be just as ­effective.

And last week’s rescue in Shandong south-east of Beijing means that 20 of China’s 31 provinces have now axed bear-bile farming.

Jill, who founded Animals Asia in 1988, was appalled by the conditions in which the latest rescued bears had been living.

She said: “This was one of the worst bear bile farms in China.”

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By Compassion
卖鸡毛掸帚 (image from

卖鸡毛掸帚 (image from









Mind the genie in the lamp

By Drawing and artwork, Wisdom
Mind the genie in the lamp - by CJ

Mind the genie in the lamp - by CJ

There once was a very poor man, who woke up hungry with only 1 rupee left in his pocket. He decides to go to the market and see if his rupee can buy him some left over fruit. At the market he meets a fancy clothed man behind a table with a beautiful oil lamp on it, and a sign that reads “1 rupee”.

The poor man can’t believe his eyes, and asks the man what the catch is.
“It’s true, the lamp only costs 1 rupee,” the man says.
And he explains that in the lamp there lives a genie, who fulfills all your desires.
“Then why do you sell it?”, the poor man wants to know.
“Well, the genie is always active and rather impatient”, it is explained. “And if you don’t pay attention to him, he’ll start taking things away again”.
“Well OK”, the poor man says. “Since I don’t have much to lose I will buy it from you”.

When he arrives back home, he rubs the lamp and the genie appears. “How can I serve you, master?”, he asks.
“Prepare me a meal worthy of a king”, the poor man commands.
Within a second the genie serves an opulous meal with 87 courses.
The poor man is delighted, but when he wants to start eating, the genie asks again – “And how can I serve you master?”
Keeping in mind that the genie can also take away all the goodies, the poor man commands: “Build me a beautiful castle, suitable for a maharadja!”
Only a few seconds pass by, and the man now finds himself in a beautiful palace. He likes to explore it, but there comes the genie again, asking “How can I serve you, master?”
Every wish is immediately fulfilled, and when ignored, the genie takes away everything.

The poor man is annoyed and goes to the village sage, where he explains his problem.
After a silent conversation, the poor man steps to the genie and says: ‘Genie, build me a large pole and stick it in the ground”.
The genie immediately builds a pole and sticks it in the ground.
“Now genie, I want you to climb up and down the pole, over and over again”.
The genie starts climbing right away.
And now the man has time to eat his meal, explore his palace and do other things.

When he and the sage go to see what the genie is doing, they see that he has fallen asleep next to the pole.
“And so it is with the thinking genie of every man”, explains the sage.
“It is restless in its desire to satisfy every desire, and fragments our being.
The pole is a tool called a ‘mantra’.
“By repeating it over and over again, our restless mind is kept busy until it gets so bored that it falls asleep.
And this way our true self can enjoy the world.”


Wesak Day 2010 parade in Melaka

By Beautiful Melaka, Photography

Wesak Day is considered to be very important for Buddhists around the world. On Wesak Day, Buddhists all over the world celebrate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions: The birth, enlightenment and the passing away of Gautama Buddha. Celebrations and grand processions are also held here in most parts of Malaysia.

Seck Kia Eenh's colorful float of Wesak Day 2010 parade in Melaka

Seck Kia Eenh's colorful float of Wesak Day 2010 parade in Melaka

After our class at Seng Cheong Society of Heeren Street last Thursday we heard lots of voice from outside the building. It was Wesak Day on the next day so people were gathered and line the street to witness the grand procession of Wesak. Dylan and I knew that it was too late to leave the place as the street was already closed temporarily for the procession. Feeling excited and thrilled however, we took out our camera and joined in the crowds.

It wasn’t long waited when the Wesak parade arrived on Heeren Street where we were. The parade was spledid and grand as there were 15 colourful floats and a total of more than 40 Buddhist associations, schools, societies and clubs taking part. Each of these floats was nicely decoratingwith flowers and lights into patterns, and Buddhas were placed on the floats. The participants really put in a lot of effort in designing the floats.

Thousands of people witnessed the grand parade and showed respect to the Buddha. Hundreds of Buddhist devotees also walked the route with candles or flowers in their hands while various groups were chanting along the way or singing Buddhist songs. There were also reverends on the floats sprinkling blessing water to the crowds in the hope that people live a peaceful and happy life. In addition, marching bands from various schools in Melaka, lion and dragon dancers, Sri Lankan dancers were doing performances during the march which cheered up the public.

The whole parade was cheerful and lively yet the atmosphere was calm and peaceful. Routing through 5.5km of Melaka town’s busiest streets, Heeren Street was probably the last street the parade travelled before reaching the finishing line at the Seck Kia Eenh temple. We were lucky to be at Heeren Street and witness this grand event. Wishing everyone a happy belated Wesak Day and may all beings be happy. 

Sharing some photos I took:

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Be content with what you have – by Lao Tzu

By Wisdom
Lao Tzu (right) - by Fan-Zeng / 老子出关 - 范曾画

Lao Tzu (right) - by Fan-Zeng / 老子出关 - 范曾画

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

-Lao Tzu