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The butterfly dream 庄周梦见蝴蝶

By Wisdom
庄周梦见蝴蝶 (蔡志忠作品)

庄周梦见蝴蝶 (蔡志忠作品)


Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn’t know he was Zhuangzi. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuangzi. But he didn’t know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi. Between Zhuangzi and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things. (2, tr. Burton Watson 1968:49)


[新闻] 车祸脑死‧年初二移植‧主妇捐器官造福5人

By Compassion





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The purpose is to drink

By Drawing and artwork, Juesatta art, Wisdom
The purpose is to drink by CJ

The purpose is to drink by CJ

I remember reading this story from a book I could not remember the name:

Four youngsters were friends and they chatted at a coffee shop. After a while, they felt thirsty and ordered 4 cups of tea. When the tea was served,

A pointed at one of the cups and said: This is a “cup”.

B said: No, no, no. 这是一个杯啊。(This is a cup in Chinese). It’s called “bei”.

C said: Bukan lah! Ini cawan. (Incorrect! This is a cup in Malay). Guys, it’s a “cawan”.

A then raised his volume and said: You are wrong. “Cup” is the right word. I always call it a cup. It is a “cup”.

B shook his head and said: Impossible. Everyone calls it “bei” in my country.

C shouted: Nonsense! I called it “cawan” since I was young. Everyone told me that.  

D smiled, took the cup of tea up, took a sip and relaxed.

Photography of Melaka night view

By Beautiful Melaka, Juesatta art, Photography

Cheng Hoon Teng temple of Melaka

It’s the eve of Chinese New Year 2010. Most Chinese should have had their reunion dinner with family by now and settling down for the count down of the first day of Chinese New Year. It’s a warm and cheerful night now. 

May those we loved who just left us rest in peace and always be remembered. May we all be grateful of what we are having now and appreciate the people who are with us.

Happy happy chinese new year and Gong Hei Fat Choi. Before I signing off to count down, prepare to make blessing and pay respect to my ancestors like most Chinese would do, let me share some photos of the night view of Melaka town with everyone:

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活在我们的记忆中的刘妈妈和Victor Chan

By Compassion, Wisdom


今天中午,我收到了两个震撼人心的消息:我的好友,Ah Too的母亲(刘妈妈)和我的好友Victor Chan去世了。在短短的一个小时内,这两个消息来得太突然了,令人难以置信。


Victor从中学以来都是我的好朋友。我们都是热爱旅游的一群,曾经结伴到槟城、浮罗交怡岛、热浪岛等等去游玩。每次我们和父母提到Victor时,我们都形容他是住在吉里望的赛跑高手。 处次之外,Victor还是个多才好学的人,他时常给与我网站设计和旅游的建议和咨询。几个星期前,我们才通过电话,讨论要一起设计一个网站和分享摄影的兴趣。我们还打算在农历新年期间给对方拜年。Victor就这样突然的离开了,让大家都无法接受。

我傍晚到Ah Too的家。他和他的家人都很好。幸好医生也在几天前就叫他们做好心理准备,让他们也开始面对了。然而,Victor的离开真的很突然,很让人悲伤。我们不知道他的家人,女友和朋友们将会如何面对。我们能做的是为他们祈祷。





据瑞士出身的精神科学家兼On Death and Dying一书的作者Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,只有真正去了解死亡,具有无私的爱,具有智慧,死亡才变得很安宁祥和,人生也会有很大的变化。