



By My journey, Photography


知道自己是真的很想拿着相机,然后拍出地铁”处女”作品^^ 从家附近的地铁站PARAMOUNT STATION 到KL SENTRA的路途不是很遥远,但是那种快速的感觉可真是一级棒(或许是因为我第一次乘坐的关系吧)吉隆坡的人生,也不过如此。。除了快,还是快。。。
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By Life Journal, Photography

我想,一直以来都在支持着juesatta的朋友一定有读到一篇感人的文章关于“活在我们的记忆中的刘妈妈和Victor Chan”。


Kim Too 熬的药材汤 - 记忆刘妈妈


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By My journey, Photography




















The life of a Mexican fisherman

By Photography, Wisdom
The life of a Mexican fisherman

The life of a Mexican fisherman

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his catch. “How long did it take you to get those?” he asked.

“Not so long,” said the Mexican.

“Then why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” asked the American.

The Mexican explained that his small catch was quite enough to meet his needs and feed his family.

“So what do you do with the rest of your time?” asked the American.

“I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evening, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar and sing a few songs. I have a full life.”

The American interrupted. “I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat.”

“And after that?” asked the Mexican.

“With the extra money the bigger boat will bring, you can buy a second boat and then a third boat, and then more until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants. Pretty soon you could open your own plant. You could leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York! From there you could direct your whole enterprise.”

“How long would that take?” asked the Mexican.

“Twenty — perhaps twenty-five years,” replied the American.

“And after that?”

“Afterwards? Well, my friend,” laughed the American, “that’s when it gets really interesting. When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!”

“Millions? Really? And after that?” said the Mexican.

“After that you’ll be able to retire, live in a beautiful place near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take siestas with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends.”


当我老了 When I Turn Old

By Compassion, Photography, Wisdom
当我老了 When I turn old

当我老了 When I turn old

When I turn old, when I am not the original me, please understand me and have patience with me.

When I drip gravy all over my clothes, when I forget to tie my shoelaces, please remember how I taught you what to do, and how to do many things.

When I repeatedly tell you the things that you’re tired of hearing, please be patient and listen to me. Please do not interrupt me. When you were young, I told you the same story over and over again until you were sound asleep.

When I need you to help me bathe, please do not scold me. Do you still remember how when you were young I had to coax you to bath?

当我对新科技和新事物不知所措时,请不要嘲笑我。想一想當初我怎样耐心地回答你的每一个 “为什么”。
When I do not understand new technology, please do not laugh at me or mock me. Please think how I used to be so patient with you to answer your every “Why”.

When my both legs are tired and I cannot walk anymore, please stretch out your strong arms to help me, just like when you were a baby learning to walk I held both your hands.

当我突然忘記我们谈话的主题,请给我一些时間让我回想。其实对我來说,谈论什么并不重要, 只要你能在一旁听我说,我就很满足。
When I suddenly forget what subject we are discussing, please give me a little time to recollect. Actually, it does not matter what we are talking about; as long as you are by my side, I am so contended and happy.

当你看着老去的我,请不要悲伤。理解我,支持我,就像你刚开始学习 如何生活时我对你那样。
When you see the old me, please do not be sad. Please understand me and support me, just like how I was with you when you were young and were just learning to face life.

At the beginning, I guided you to the path of life . Now I ask you to keep me company to finish this last leg of my life. Give me your love and patience, I will give you a grateful smile, and crystallized in this smile is my endless love for you.


Fish touching in Segenting, Batu Pahat

By My journey, Photography
Murphy was touching a gold Japanese Koi

Murphy was touching a golden Japanese Koi

I always heard about ‘Batu, a nice place to go’. Batu is the informal name for the place Batu Pahat (means ‘chiseled rock’ in Malay, 峇株巴辖 in Chinese), which is a district in the state of Johor.

Besides, I heard from my friend, Murphy of a temple in Segenting (石文丁), which is in the west zone of Batu Pahat, and the temple (崇龙宫大伯公庙) is well-known of fish-touching. There are a few arapaima fresh water fishes in the ponds of the temple. There are rumors saying that, touching of these arapaima fishes would bring good luck to the person.

Last week, I told Murphy that I wanted to go to Batu Pahat for a look, and the temple would be a must to visit too. Murphy made a generous offer of driving me there together with Desmond and Dylan. So the next day we departed to Batu Pahat. It took us about 90 minutes drive from Melaka.

Initially we wanted to go to the town of Batu Pahat and hang out there, but we could not make it as time was so limited. We departed late and we didn’t plan to stay overnight, so we gave our priority to the temple in Segenting. On our way to the fish touching temple, we saw many other Chinese Taoism temples in our 15 minutes car ride from the town.

Finally we arrived at the temple in a fishing village of Segenting. It was drizzling when we reached there, however the scenery was so beautiful. The place itself is a fishing village and it is also a tourism village for people who need a real retreat from the busy city life. We then headed to the famous temple by the beach.

The main god of the temple is Da Bo Gong (大伯公, which is “Grand Uncle” in Chinese). There are also Ma Zu (妈祖, the goddess of the sea), Hai Long Wang (海龙王, the dragon king of the sea) and others to protect and bless the villagers and the fishermen. And we did see the arapaima fishes in the pond of the temple. They were huge and would not bite. Some of the arapaima fishes approached us as soon as we put hands into the water. The fishes swam passed us and letting us to touch them. There were also gentle Japanese Koi fishes in one of the ponds.  

In addition, we could see the lover bridge (情人桥) from the temple. It is the jetty for the fishing boats and also a romantic spot for dating couples. Young couples regardless local or from outstation always take a slow walk on the bridge and enjoy the warm breeze and romantic sunset. The villagers believe that, after a guy and a girl take a walk on the bridge, they would fall in love and become couples.

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