


农历正月十五元宵节.The Lantern Festival

By Photography



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Lotus of Fortune Charity Campaign – 点燃慈善之灯

By Compassion, Juesatta art, Photography

Today I dropped by Mahkota Parade, Melaka and saw this wonderful campaign supported by Mahkota Parade and Seck Kia Eenh temple to give financial aid to the cancer patients. There were hanging written wishes on the wooden frame by the kind public to make wishes, at the same time giving a loving hand to the less fortunate ones.

Ah Too and I tossed some coins into the big lotus as seen in the photo below and made some wishes. May everyone be happy. If you happen to be there, kindly donate what you can.

Mahkota Parade is proud to support the Melaka Seck Kia Eenh Temple Cancer Fund, which provides financial assistance to cancer patients, regardless of race.

Open your heart and lend a hand to this good cause and donate what you can. You may also light up a lotus candle and place your wishes for the news year for a minimum donation of RM10.


Dad, I have to work harder!

By Chinese calligraphy, Juesatta art, Photography, Wisdom
Little Tang (Tang Yao-Kun) with his Chinese calligraphy writing, "dragon leaps, tiger jumps". Behind is the teacher Mr. Liu Ming-Ling.

Little Tang (Tang Yao-Kun) with his Chinese calligraphy writing, "dragon leaps, tiger jumps". Behind is the teacher Mr. Liu Ming-Liang.

Many are amazed by the calligraphy writing of our little friend Tang (Tang Yao-Kun). One day during the calligraphy class, I chatted with Yao-Kun’s father.

3 years ago, when Yao-Kun was in kindergarten, he was a naughty and hyperactive kid. His teacher always suggested to his parents of bringing Yao-Kun to Mr. Liu Ming-Liang’s class to learn Chinese calligraphy. She added calligraphy is an art, a Chinese tradition, and also would be able to let little Tang settle down and more concentrate in his study. However, father Tang and mother Tang did not know much about calligraphy and thought that it would not be as useful to little Tang as told.

The kindergarten teacher insisted. Everytime father Tang and mother Tang went to the kindergarten, the teacher suggested the same thing again and again. Due to that, the parents reluctantly agreed and brought little Tang to Mr. Liu’s calligraphy class. They were however unsuccessfully locating the place of the class, and so they gave up.

The next time they met the teacher, again she suggested the parents to bring little Tang to the calligraphy class. Father Tang and mother tang felt sorry to give any excuse since the teacher really took this matter seriously and it would be for the own good of little Tang.

Where there is a will, there is a way: father Tang and mother Tang found Mr. Liu’s calligraphy class eventually and little Tang started his class since then. In addition, little Tang did not know about Chinese calligraphy at all. He took part in half-heartly. Mother Tang was in charge of bringing little Tang to class everyday.

Months after, and little Tang stepped into primary school year one. Father Tang was asking the performance of little Tang in the calligraphy class. He was told that little Tang was an excellent and well-behaved student in class. This appraisal of Mr. Liu however was a mistake because he was mistaken of little Tang’s name with another student. According to Mr. Liu, little Tang did not perform and not well-behaved in class. Even worse criticism was given by the teacher.

Father Liu was pissed when he was told and could not agree with Mr. Liu. He decided to take over the responsibility of little Tang’s learning from his mother, putting full supervision of little Tang’s learning and started to stay during the whole period of little Tang’s calligraphy class to check on him.

Not long after that, there was a competition. Father Tang encouraged his son to take part in order to gain experience and boost the interest of his son. This would be the first competition little Tang took part; also he was nervous as he had to write in front of a bunch of people and with other children. He finished the writing though.

During the prize giving ceremony for primary school students category, prizes were announced from the consolation prizes to 2nd runner up, 1st runner up then the best prize. Prizes announced respectively, the confidence of little Liu was getting lower and lower, and disappointment was getting greater. The prize giving ceremony for primary school competitors was over, and little Liu did not win any prize. He was so disappointed.

Little Tang  insisted to stay for the later prize giving for junior high school category and high school category as he thought he might stand a chance in winning. Father Tang did not know how to explain to his son but he accompanied his son until the whole event was over. Both of the father and son were so upset. The son was let down because he didn’t win; the father was upset because the son.

During their ride back to home, both father and son didn’t speak a word. There was a moment of silence. Looking at the son, father Tang felt bad of forcing little Tang to the calligraphy class again. So he asked, “What do you want to do now?”

“Dad, I have to work harder!” he answered.

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3 to 4 years later after the first lesson of calligraphy, little Tang is 11 year-old this year. He is the star of Pay Fong 2 Primary school and many students and teachers are proud of little Tang. He has won many prizes in calligraphy competitions. The reasons behind the success are the patience of little Tang’s parents, the teaching of Mr. Liu, and also the hard work of little Tang.

Mr. Liu once told me, “Interest can be developed. Talent is nothing more important than hardwork, it only helps to acquire the skill quicker than others. The main keys of improvement are dedication and determination.” English physicist also said, “If I am anything, which I highly doubt, I have made myself so by hard work.”

Thanks so much to Mr. Liu for sharing his and his son’s learning experience with us. Hope that little Tang is able to continue with his hard work and be humble in his learning always.

Little Tang was writing at the Jonker Street of Melaka for a charity event. Little Tang's cute sister and father were just standing beside him.

Little Tang was writing at the Jonker Street of Melaka for a charity event. Little Tang's cute sister and father were just standing beside him.

“Why did little Tang learn callligraphy? Because he was interested in?” I asked.


By Chinese calligraphy, Juesatta art, Photography, Wisdom











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春暖人间、家家贴春联 - 到访文化小学、培二小学、平民小学和香林小学
春暖人间、家家贴春联 – 序幕
春暖人间,家家贴春联 – 春联义卖

Studio photography – meet Celine

By Photography

A week before Chinese New Year, I went for a studio shooting together with Nick, James and other photonians to the Hananica Studio. It’s a photography studio located in Taman Kota Laksamana and well equipped with lighting equipment. Celine was the model invited and showed her expertise in modelling. She posed well and gave us so much cooperation with her happy smile all the time.

We would have to thank Nick and James, who were teaching us to setup the background and the lighting for the shooting. They are more experience in studio shooting than anyone of us; however they were willing to share their knowledge with us and telling us the importance of communication between the photographer and the model.

Post-processing would be another hard part to work out since most photos were taken in RAW format. Below are some of my shots after processing:

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拜天宫 – 福建人的新年 (Bai Tian Gong celebration – the Hokkiens’ New Year)

By Juesatta art, Photography

“传说明朝时一年的农历新年,倭寇在福建沿海一带,杀人放火,抢夺财物,乡民扶老携幼逃命。 乡民在黑夜中逃到一处偏僻郊野时,眼见倭寇就要追上,大家感到万分惊恐,突然前面出现一大片蔗林,乡民便逃入蔗林躲避,避过倭寇,逃过鬼门关。这天正是大年初九,逃出生天的乡民都认为这是天公救命,于是每年的大年初九凌晨便祭拜天公,以谢救命之恩。而拜甘蔗也具有不忘蔗林藏身救命之恩。”

“另一传说是,古时有一名孟将军,他到某个地方,只要喝了当地的水,就会讲当地的话,他就以这门本事辨别汉人。 可是他到了福建,手下竟然拿了外省的水给他喝,结果他一直不懂讲福建话。他便以为福建人不是汉人,就下令大开杀戒,福建人枉死无数。到了大年初九那天,从外省运来的水喝光了,孟将军才喝到福建的水,会讲起福建话,这时他才知道杀错人,马上下令封刀。而福建人认为这是天公所赐,让他们逃过大劫,便在初九凌晨拜天公谢恩。”


Two days ago (Sunday midnight) was the 8th day of the first month of lunar calendar. On the 9th day, it would be the celebration known to the Hokkiens as ‘Bai Tian Gong’, which literally means ‘praying the Heaven God’.

During a Chinese New year of the Ming Dynasty, there was a bandit raid in the province of Hokkien. These intruders however robbed and burned down villages, attacked and killed the villagers. The people of the villages were in fear and escaped from their burnt villages during the night.

Some of the villagers then hid themselves among the sugarcane fields. Needless to say, those villagers prayed to Heaven God (Tian Gong)  for salvation during their hideout. The pursuing intruders spent many days trying to locate and hunt them but to no avail. On the ninth day of that Chinese New Year, they finally gave up and returned to their region.

The Hokkiens then happily emerged from the sugar cane fields, and praising the blessings of the celestial deities and owing gratitude to the sugarcane plants for saving them from destruction. Thus, in all Hokkien celebrations, the sugarcane plant is given prominence.

Realizing that it was also the 9th Day of the Chinese New Year and coincidentally the birthday of Heaven God, they decided to make votive offerings and prayers to the Jade Emperor for their salvation. There are many version of the Hokkiens’ Bai Tian Gong stories. Whichever it is, the hokkiens believe that our life and prosperity are granted by the Heaven God.

On the eve of the 9th day, a pair of sugarcane plants are used by the Hokkiens usually placed one on each side of the offering table or  the front door of the house. The pair of the sugarcane symbolises unity, cooperation and strength. The sugarcane itself is a symbol of harmony and a token which can bring good and ‘sweet’ results. The very straightness of the sugarcane stem also ensures that the Hokkiens can become a clan of honest and sincere people.

Three family houses I visited together with Jason and Wee-Peng, two of my best friends on the eve of Bai Tian Gong festival. The first two houses we visited were the family of Jason’s aunties, and the last house we went was my best friend, Murphy’s house. Jason comes from a Baba-and-Nyonya family so the prayers of Tian Gong for them is a grant event of the year. The celebration they held for the past few years I visisted were so unique and special. Each of the table setup and the offerings, the preparation were carefully done and also involved a lot of manpower. 

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