ah too – juesatta (CJ Photography) https://www.juesatta.com Melaka, Malaysia wedding and portrait photographer Sat, 28 Apr 2012 10:10:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 https://www.juesatta.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/favicon-2018-100x100.png ah too – juesatta (CJ Photography) https://www.juesatta.com 32 32 137874494 Mandy + Daniel = wedding reception https://www.juesatta.com/mandy-daniel-wedding-reception/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mandy-daniel-wedding-reception Wed, 02 Nov 2011 03:31:30 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=7964 I received an invitation from my old friends, Deniel and Mandy to attend their wedding dinner last month. The fantastic and wild wedding reception of Mandy and Daniel was held...

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mandy + deniel wedding reception

mandy + deniel wedding reception

I received an invitation from my old friends, Deniel and Mandy to attend their wedding dinner last month. The fantastic and wild wedding reception of Mandy and Daniel was held at the Lu Yeh Yuan Restaurant, one of the biggest restaurants in Melaka.

Deniel and I were secondary school classmates and we used to hang out at Deniel’s cyber cafe and snooker center during the old days. Then I got to know Mandy when Deniel started to date her about 8 years back. Those are amazing couples and have finally tied the knot.

I too met many old friends the Franciscans that night. Most of us didn’t get to meet each other after our secondary school when everybody off our own way to tertiary study. This dinner however had made us reunion, came and gathered together and brought back all the memories of the old days.

Iu-Lung the young and talented photographer was there as the official photographer of the reception. I brought my gears and it was intended to take a few shots of my old friends. However, being a photographer myself, it has already become a practice and I started to go around and photographed the reception with Iu-Lung.

The night was simply fun. Everybody had a good time laughing and drinking as much as we could.

Congratulation to Mandy and Deniel on your marriage! Wishing you a wonderful journey as you build your new life together.

Below are some images I took. May all beings be happy.

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Aquaria KLCC with parents and aunt Peggy https://www.juesatta.com/aquaria-klcc-with-parents-and-aunt-peggy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=aquaria-klcc-with-parents-and-aunt-peggy Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:09:33 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=7877 On the last day of September, I spent a wonderful time to the Aquaria KLCC with my parents and aunt Peggy. It had been ages since I last went for...

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On the last day of September, I spent a wonderful time to the Aquaria KLCC with my parents and aunt Peggy. It had been ages since I last went for a trip with parents so it made this trip so much fun and memorable.

In the morning, we traveled north from Melaka reached our destination, Kuala Lumpur in the afternoon. The Aquaria KLCC is in KLCC certainly. It is a decent size, seemed very clean and well run aquarium. It costs us (for Malaysian citizen) RM35 per adult and RM25 for senior citizen.

The entrance of the aquarium is at upper level and we were first greeted by the furious piranhas. There was a touch pool just next to the piranhas’ tank where we could touch and feel the crabs, starfish and gentle bamboo shark. We also observed creatures which defend themselves by discharging electricity such as the electric eel, catfish etc. followed by the stream mammals like giant water rat and otter. Then we came to the reptiles, amphibians and insects zone which we saw little crocs, big gecko, colorful yet poisonous frogs, beautiful butterflies’ specimens, venomous spiders etc.

We then walked down the steps to the lower level of the aquarium and first saw a big tube tank ensconces an ancient tree and fishes. This was the section of the fresh water fishes including giant catfishes and huge Arapaimas which live in the nutrient-rich waters of Amazon.

Our tour continued to the 90 meter transparent underwater tunnel. While enjoying the tranquil atmosphere beneath the depths of open water, we walked along the tunnel ‘together’ with Sand Tiger Sharks, eels, giant stingrays, green turtles, and various kinds of schooling fish. We too arrived just in time for the feeding frenzy where scuba divers were in the tank feeding and interacting with the fishes. The show was simply amazing.

Before we exited the aquarium we had the chance to observe the cute little seahorses, mysterious jellyfishes, and beautiful yet sadly endangered corals. More and more coral reefs over the world have been hit by coral bleaching resulting from global warming, when corals lose their color. Soon or later, we will not be able to see beautiful underwater scenery. So it’s our duty to love and care for the environment for a better tomorrow.

Well, the Aquaria KLCC is definitely a worth going place to go in KL especially with family. Before we headed back to Melaka at night, we went to the Look Out Point or also known as Little Genting in Ampang Hill for a dinner with Ah Too and Chin-Sing. The food of the restaurant we picked was OK as in acceptable, however the night scenery of KL was just stunning!

Thanks to my parents, aunt, Ah Too and Chin-Sing for making this trip so unforgetable. I had a really good time and am looking forward for another trip in the near future.

May all beings be happy. Sharing some shots I captured of the trip:

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December.January 2010/2011 https://www.juesatta.com/december-january-20102011/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=december-january-20102011 https://www.juesatta.com/december-january-20102011/#comments Tue, 11 Jan 2011 03:56:09 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=6145 Finally we have waved goodbye to 2010 and moved into the new year, 2011. Let us share our joy together, be tolerant and compasionate of all beings. Last month and...

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Finally we have waved goodbye to 2010 and moved into the new year, 2011. Let us share our joy together, be tolerant and compasionate of all beings.

Last month and this month, we have many birthday boys and girls. Happy birthday to Meng-Hong, Ah-Too, Koon-Yang, Chin-Sing, Henry Lee, Jason Tan, Vna, and others. Friends, let us toast (Chinese tea), for your health, happiness and our friendship! With each sip we’ll celebrate every small joy that tend to be quickly forgotten.

January is new beginning for everyone including children who are back to school for a new semester. Good luck to all students and hope you can adapt yourselves well to the new environment, enjoy the learning process and make some new friends. 

To tEEachers who sow the seeds of wisdom and knowledge into the hearts of students and mind, thank you for working hard making a positive difference on the future of children and all the best with your new start.

In this new year we also hope that the people of all races live up to the 1Malaysia spirit. Our country is a vibrant land, with a rich history, diverse culture and friendly people. Therefore every Malaysian should work hand in hand together with mutual understanding and tolerence, to strengthen the unity and relations among the people with different background in the country. Let us make our country a better place, for peace and harmony.

Wishing everyone a happy new year and a good start. Hope you find serenity herEE in juesatta. May all beings be happy. Sharing some shots taken in my hometown, Melaka:

the gifted eyes

the gifted eyes

Hindu Deities

Hindu Deities

time flies

time flies

ladies with umbrella

ladies with umbrella

"united we stand"

"united we stand"

"tell me please darling"

"tell me please darling"

we are family

we are family



for peace

for peace


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芙蓉沉香的蜈蚣山天师宫 https://www.juesatta.com/%e8%8a%99%e8%93%89%e6%b2%89%e9%a6%99%e7%9a%84%e8%9c%88%e8%9a%a3%e5%b1%b1%e5%a4%a9%e5%b8%88%e5%ae%ab/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e8%258a%2599%25e8%2593%2589%25e6%25b2%2589%25e9%25a6%2599%25e7%259a%2584%25e8%259c%2588%25e8%259a%25a3%25e5%25b1%25b1%25e5%25a4%25a9%25e5%25b8%2588%25e5%25ae%25ab https://www.juesatta.com/%e8%8a%99%e8%93%89%e6%b2%89%e9%a6%99%e7%9a%84%e8%9c%88%e8%9a%a3%e5%b1%b1%e5%a4%a9%e5%b8%88%e5%ae%ab/#comments Fri, 09 Apr 2010 05:43:05 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=2664 去年到好友Kelly在芙蓉的婚礼晚宴时,她介绍过我蜈蚣山的天师宫,这个芙蓉其中出名的旅游景点。蜈蚣山是在森美兰州的芙蓉的沉香,天师宫则是倚蜈蚣山而建,已经有140多年的历史了的庙,但依然风光明媚。从芙蓉镇到那里只需要5-10分钟。当时我赶着去晚宴,所以没法到蜈蚣山。 上个星期,Ah-Too邀请我一同从马六甲到芙蓉去接Wee-Peng回马六甲。Dylan与我和Ah-Too便三人同行。因为早到芙蓉的关系,我建议他们到蜈蚣山去看看。到了芙蓉,已经天不作美了,下起细细小雨。 经过了芙蓉镇,我们便依来自芙蓉的朋友Wendy的指示,到达了蜈蚣山山脚下,然后要的走一段小路是斜岭,汽车驾驶上去,便到了天师宫。那里风景真的很优美,能俯视整个芙蓉,把芙蓉景色尽收眼帘。尤其在这个下着细雨的天里,蜈蚣山的风景更是犹如世外桃源。 说到蜈蚣山的特色,莫过于它的长达12尺全身赤红的“百足灵物”巨型蜈蚣像。除此之外,还有招财蟾蜍、观音娘娘、齐天大圣、青云台及八仙园游等景点。传说山上常有蜈蚣出没,那里流传着有人因为见过白蜈蚣而鸿运当头,因此每年吸引无数来自远方的香客或游客到来碰运气,但求一睹白蜈蚣的异彩。 我在网上找到了这个蜈蚣山的传奇: 很久很久以前,一个为求发达的孩子,离乡背井寻找财路。终于有一天,这个孩子衣锦还乡,但却变成一个不孝之徒,他把含辛茹苦将其养育成人的母亲弃之不顾。最后,孩子受到应有的惩罚,他被化为一艘永不启航的「石船」,被安置在芙蓉沉香………。 长长的斜坡,伸延到丛林处,高高的山头,有艘石船;半山腰际有只大蜈蚣,长年累月的藏身蜈蚣树,它与石船相伴相随,没有人知道蜈蚣和石船的关系,也有人怀疑蜈蚣是被爱儿抛弃的母亲所变,但是蜈蚣圣山(又名百足山)之名不尽而走。 再来是天师宫的传奇: 天师宫设在高山「石船」中央,冥冥之中早已有安排。话说百多年前,蜈蚣山原是一片荒芜,毒蛇猛兽横行,当地居民深受其害,经常遭侵袭而蒙受死伤威胁。 为了保佑出入平安,当地居民便在山林中安置张天师神位,日夜供奉和膜拜。因为相传张天师是古代一名道士,专门扑妖抓鬼,法力无边,于是这个有欠安宁的山林,自然请到天师前来坐镇。 不过,在经过一段日子后,山脚下居民请来乩童向天师请安问事,却反遭天师要将其神位改迁山顶上。 当时的山顶更是一片荒芜,除了怪石嶙峋和老树野草外,空无一物。但是这些对张天师意旨感到为难的居民,在前往山顶为寻求神位时,却意外发现毫无人迹的山上的空旷地上早已插有一扎香,似乎在冥冥中已对天师的神位有所安排。 由于时间紧迫及天气的关系,我们只逗留了大约半小时。上了香后,我们也无法观赏一一的景点,更不用说能拍很多的照片了。 非常感激Ah-Too与Dylan的同行陪伴。也要谢谢Kelly介绍这个地方与Wendy的指路,我们三人才有机会到蜈蚣山。除此之外,也谢谢Wee-Peng请我们吃美味的芙蓉烧包。由于我们都认识一些来自芙蓉的朋友,我相信我们还有机会到芙蓉去参观,更能到这个蜈蚣山,去补上这次无法欣赏到的景点的遗憾。

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Lotus of Fortune Charity Campaign – 点燃慈善之灯 https://www.juesatta.com/lotus-of-fortune-charity-campaign-%e7%82%b9%e7%87%83%e6%85%88%e5%96%84%e4%b9%8b%e7%81%af/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lotus-of-fortune-charity-campaign-%25e7%2582%25b9%25e7%2587%2583%25e6%2585%2588%25e5%2596%2584%25e4%25b9%258b%25e7%2581%25af https://www.juesatta.com/lotus-of-fortune-charity-campaign-%e7%82%b9%e7%87%83%e6%85%88%e5%96%84%e4%b9%8b%e7%81%af/#comments Wed, 03 Mar 2010 11:02:42 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=1646 Today I dropped by Mahkota Parade, Melaka and saw this wonderful campaign supported by Mahkota Parade and Seck Kia Eenh temple to give financial aid to the cancer patients. There...

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Today I dropped by Mahkota Parade, Melaka and saw this wonderful campaign supported by Mahkota Parade and Seck Kia Eenh temple to give financial aid to the cancer patients. There were hanging written wishes on the wooden frame by the kind public to make wishes, at the same time giving a loving hand to the less fortunate ones.

Ah Too and I tossed some coins into the big lotus as seen in the photo below and made some wishes. May everyone be happy. If you happen to be there, kindly donate what you can.

Mahkota Parade is proud to support the Melaka Seck Kia Eenh Temple Cancer Fund, which provides financial assistance to cancer patients, regardless of race.

Open your heart and lend a hand to this good cause and donate what you can. You may also light up a lotus candle and place your wishes for the news year for a minimum donation of RM10.


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活在我们的记忆中的刘妈妈和Victor Chan https://www.juesatta.com/%e6%b4%bb%e5%9c%a8%e6%88%91%e4%bb%ac%e7%9a%84%e8%ae%b0%e5%bf%86%e4%b8%ad%e7%9a%84%e5%88%98%e5%a6%88%e5%a6%88%e5%92%8cvictor-chan/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e6%25b4%25bb%25e5%259c%25a8%25e6%2588%2591%25e4%25bb%25ac%25e7%259a%2584%25e8%25ae%25b0%25e5%25bf%2586%25e4%25b8%25ad%25e7%259a%2584%25e5%2588%2598%25e5%25a6%2588%25e5%25a6%2588%25e5%2592%258cvictor-chan Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:50:38 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=1290 今天中午,我收到了两个震撼人心的消息:我的好友,Ah Too的母亲(刘妈妈)和我的好友Victor Chan去世了。在短短的一个小时内,这两个消息来得太突然了,令人难以置信。 几个星期前我见到了刘妈妈。当时她还很健康,还是一样的情切待人。在我的记忆中,刘妈妈一直都是一位好母亲,顾家的人,待人都是和蔼可亲的。没有想到的是,再次见到她,已经是躺在病床上了。自从刘妈妈中风送入医院,开刀动手术,之后一直昏迷到今天离开了大家,一切都像转眼间的事情。对我们来说,失去刘妈妈就像失去了一个好母亲,像失去了自己的母亲。 Victor从中学以来都是我的好朋友。我们都是热爱旅游的一群,曾经结伴到槟城、浮罗交怡岛、热浪岛等等去游玩。每次我们和父母提到Victor时,我们都形容他是住在吉里望的赛跑高手。 处次之外,Victor还是个多才好学的人,他时常给与我网站设计和旅游的建议和咨询。几个星期前,我们才通过电话,讨论要一起设计一个网站和分享摄影的兴趣。我们还打算在农历新年期间给对方拜年。Victor就这样突然的离开了,让大家都无法接受。 我傍晚到Ah Too的家。他和他的家人都很好。幸好医生也在几天前就叫他们做好心理准备,让他们也开始面对了。然而,Victor的离开真的很突然,很让人悲伤。我们不知道他的家人,女友和朋友们将会如何面对。我们能做的是为他们祈祷。 刘妈妈和Victor:你们将会一直活在我们的心里。愿你们已到了一个充满爱的世界。 一个有智慧的人曾经告诉我:很肯定的是我们都会死,不肯定的是何时和如何。有些人认为死是必须经过的,每个人都要面对,所以死没有什么大不了的。 这个原理是很好一直到那个人将要面对死亡。世界不同的文化和宗教大致上都说明了死亡不是结束,还有不同的世界。但是现代科学发达的年代,多数人都认为死亡就是结束,什么都没有了。如果我们没有明确与真正对死亡后的了解,我们将会活在一个没有最终目的人生。 那些相信自己在自己离世前还有许多时间准备,到了那一刻还是被遗憾包围着。但那时才察觉,是否太迟了? 据瑞士出身的精神科学家兼On Death and Dying一书的作者Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,只有真正去了解死亡,具有无私的爱,具有智慧,死亡才变得很安宁祥和,人生也会有很大的变化。

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今天中午,我收到了两个震撼人心的消息:我的好友,Ah Too的母亲(刘妈妈)和我的好友Victor Chan去世了。在短短的一个小时内,这两个消息来得太突然了,令人难以置信。


Victor从中学以来都是我的好朋友。我们都是热爱旅游的一群,曾经结伴到槟城、浮罗交怡岛、热浪岛等等去游玩。每次我们和父母提到Victor时,我们都形容他是住在吉里望的赛跑高手。 处次之外,Victor还是个多才好学的人,他时常给与我网站设计和旅游的建议和咨询。几个星期前,我们才通过电话,讨论要一起设计一个网站和分享摄影的兴趣。我们还打算在农历新年期间给对方拜年。Victor就这样突然的离开了,让大家都无法接受。

我傍晚到Ah Too的家。他和他的家人都很好。幸好医生也在几天前就叫他们做好心理准备,让他们也开始面对了。然而,Victor的离开真的很突然,很让人悲伤。我们不知道他的家人,女友和朋友们将会如何面对。我们能做的是为他们祈祷。





据瑞士出身的精神科学家兼On Death and Dying一书的作者Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,只有真正去了解死亡,具有无私的爱,具有智慧,死亡才变得很安宁祥和,人生也会有很大的变化。

The post 活在我们的记忆中的刘妈妈和Victor Chan appeared first on juesatta (CJ Photography).

In our memory of Mother Low and Victor Chan https://www.juesatta.com/in-the-memory-of-ah-toos-mother-and-victor-chan/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=in-the-memory-of-ah-toos-mother-and-victor-chan https://www.juesatta.com/in-the-memory-of-ah-toos-mother-and-victor-chan/#comments Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:30:54 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=1274 Today I received two shocking news in an hour: my best friend, Ah Too’s mother (Mother Low) and my best friend Victor Chan passed away. It was really heartbreaking. Most of...

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Victor Chan (in the center with black t-shirt) and friends at Pulau Redang year 2008

Victor Chan (in the center with black t-shirt) and friends at the Pulau Redang year 2008; Ah Too is in this picture with blue t-shirt.

Today I received two shocking news in an hour: my best friend, Ah Too’s mother (Mother Low) and my best friend Victor Chan passed away. It was really heartbreaking. Most of my friends could not believe when I sent them a text telling them about these two news in a short period of time, even myself when I was told initially.

I met Ah Too’s mother few weeks ago when I went to Ah Too’s house in Melaka. She was always a good mother, a family-loving person, and also a kind and soft-hearted person to us. Few days after I met her, she was admitted to hospital because of the stroke caused by high-blood pressure that she suffered from. That time, brain surgery was necessary and few days after the surgery she remained unconscious until today’s noon when she took her last breath. The sickness came unpredictable but the death was expected as told by the doctor few days ago. It was really sad when we heard about the lost of Mother Low because she was always a second mother to us.

Victor was a good friend of mine since secondary school. We went to a few trips together including Pulau Penang, Pulau Langkawi, and Pulau Redang. When friends spoke to their parents about Victor, we described him as a fast-runner who lived in Klebang, Melaka. He was always a talented guy who kept seeking to learn more. Victor was always helpful and he gave me many advices on web-design and travelling. Few weeks ago, we talked on the phone about designing a website together and shared information about photography. We were planning to meet on Chinese New Year. Today, he left us without any sign and made most of us heartbreaking.

Ah Too and his family were fine when I met them this evening. They were calm and prepared as told by the doctor few days ago. Victor’s death was really a shock to everybody as he passed away on his sleep today. We could not imagine how his family, partner and friends would feel right now. All we can do is to pray for the both of them.

In the memory of Mother Low and Victor Chan: Both of you and your kindness shall always be remembered and missed by all of us. May you be blessed and may you reach the land of divine love.

A wise man once told me: It is absolutely certain that we will die, and it is uncertain when or how we will die. Some people have the thinking of death being natural and it happens to everybody. It has no big deal.

That’s a nice theory until one is dying. Mostly all of the greatest spiritual traditions in this world have told us clearly that death is not the end. However, the majority of this modern society imagines that this life is all that there is. Without any real or authentic faith in an afterlife, most people live lives deprived of any ultimate meaning.

Those who believe they have plenty of time get ready only at the time of death. Then they are ravaged by regret. But isn’t it far too late?

Looking deeply into the way that we care for the dying, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a Swiss-born psychiatrist and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying, has shown that with unconditional love, and a more enlightened attitude, dying can be a peaceful, even transformative experience.

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