durian – juesatta (CJ Photography) https://www.juesatta.com Melaka, Malaysia wedding and portrait photographer Thu, 13 Jan 2011 20:01:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 https://www.juesatta.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/favicon-2018-100x100.png durian – juesatta (CJ Photography) https://www.juesatta.com 32 32 137874494 A surprise guest, JJ to Melaka https://www.juesatta.com/a-surprise-guest-jj-to-melaka/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-surprise-guest-jj-to-melaka Sun, 05 Sep 2010 18:01:52 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=5229 During the mid of August, I got a visit from my formal college friend, Yih-Shyang. He came and visited me months ago and then he was to come again. This...

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JJ, my ex-college friend who came with Yih-Shyang to Melaka

JJ, my ex-college friend who came with Yih-Shyang to Melaka

During the mid of August, I got a visit from my formal college friend, Yih-Shyang. He came and visited me months ago and then he was to come again. This time Yih-Shyang rang me and informed me that he would bring another friend with him from Kuala Lumpur. I didn’t question on that and thought that it would be his partner.

On that morning, Yih-Shyang drove and arrived at my place. It was really surprise when I saw the guest in the car! He was another ex-college mate whom I had not met for 7 years. JJ was the friend whom Yih-Shyang came with. We were so happy to see each other again because we had so much fun back in college. He was always a kind and easy-going guy.

JJ at the Cheng Ho Tea House

JJ at the Cheng Ho Tea House

It was rather a brunch, I brought the two of them to Jeta Groove. It is one of my favorites local Nyonya restaurants and also my favourite dessert, Nyonya durian chendol. After having some food at the restaurant, the durian chendol was served. It is a dessert which consists of shaved ice, coconut milk and red bean, and sweetened with gula Melaka (a kind of brown sugar). Its main ingredient is chendol, or noodle-like strips made of green bean flour strips. By the name of it, durian chendol is the chendol with some durian meat added into it and becomes so tasty. Both Yih Shyang and JJ just fall for it after taken.

After the meal, we had no idea where to go. They didn’t make plan for the day, rather to visit me and unwind in Melaka. Thinking it would be a great idea to sit down and have a good chat, we then went to have a Chinese tea ceremony at the Cheng Ho Tea House. We chatted while enjoyed the tea ceremony done by Mrs. Lai from the tea house. Before long Yih Shyang went into photography topi. Yih Shyang was suggesting doing some portrait photography and I nominated JJ.

JJ was however reluctant to be our model initially. Giving an excuse of keeping a memoir for JJ, we then took some photos of JJ at the tea house. Gradually we started to pose him and giving him commands what to do. He knew he was tricked but he was always nice and soft-hearted, therefore being obedience. So we had a nice tea and good photography session.

During the afternoon, we then headed to the seaside close to the Eye of Malaysia. After sight-seeing, we went to the bush area and continued our portraiture shooting of JJ. He was demanded to jump while we took some shots, until he got his muscles hurt. Yih-Shyang and I felt sorry for him and promised him a delicious dinner on that evening.

JJ posing for the camera in the bust near the Eye of Malaysia

JJ posing for the camera in the bust near the Eye of Malaysia

Soon the dusk fell and we were starving. We then drove the Portuguese Settlement and quickly took some shots of sunset with only Yih-Shyang’s camera as the battery of my camera had gone flat. Then we picked a restaurant and had what Yih-Shyang requested, a Portuguese style seafood dinner. The serving was far more than what we ordered. Without wasting any food, we had everything on the dining table. In addition to that, both of them again fall for the local mango juice and each of them had 4 cups of it.

They would want to go to the Jonker Street for a walk of the night market. After the extravagant dinner we had, we were however so full that we wanted to go home and just sleep off the food coma that we were in. Yih-Shyang then took me home and we said goodbye.

Thanks to Yih-Shyang and JJ, who came all the way from Kuala Lumpur to visit me. I had a good time and was happy to see the both of them and update of their living. Sometimes it’s amazing to see how old friends have changed, to see how their lives are exciting or tragic or full of love (both of them good qualifiers of a life well lived).

Yih-Shyang and JJ had promised to come to Melaka again soon. Hope that they are happy now and I am looking forward to see them again. Share some shots of JJ.

These two shots were taken with Yih-Shyang’s camera after the battery of my camera went flat. I was not familiar with the Nikon’s interface and settings, but hope to master its cameras one day.

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回家吃榴莲 https://www.juesatta.com/%e5%9b%9e%e5%ae%b6%e5%90%83%e6%a6%b4%e8%8e%b2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e5%259b%259e%25e5%25ae%25b6%25e5%2590%2583%25e6%25a6%25b4%25e8%258e%25b2 Fri, 27 Aug 2010 03:41:53 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=5101 飞往槟城的那一夜,地面上刮起了强劲的风,飞机尝试降落好几次都不成功,机身强烈的晃动,最后一次尝试降落,飞机即将接触地面的那一刹那,我以为再也见不到槟城老家了。 飞机折返吉隆坡,待风停后再把乘客送往槟城。在槟城等待接机的爸爸显然不知道空中发生了什么事,很兴奋的告诉我他已经在外头等我们了。我只好说:“爸,夜深了,也不知道下一趟机几点才能到达槟城,你们先回去吧。” 爸和妈每次听到我回家都回很兴奋。尤其是每年的这个季节,即榴莲季节,也是我的生日。最近几年都兴致勃勃地吵着爸要吃榴莲。很多时候朋友们都不明白为什么我一定要回槟城吃榴莲,甚至还有人不知道槟城盛产榴莲。 飞机凌晨两点终于在槟城降落,爸和妈急急开车来接我回家。回到家已累到不成人形,休息一会儿又要赶早上茶楼,上茶楼喝茶也是回家的例行公事,我每次都回跟姐姐们说,陪两老上茶楼,志不在吃,乃在陪。 早晨天气凉凉的,爸开着他的老爷车走在亚依淡朝浮罗山背的路上。宛延的山路,一座座的榴莲山从车外晃过。时间还早,榴莲摊都还没开,好不容易看到了一档批发兼零售的榴莲摊,一问之下有红虾和葫芦,也就是此行我们志在必吃的榴莲品种。槟城美味的顶级榴莲,就在路边的榴莲摊吃到了。爸看我吃榴莲吃得开心,只吃了那么一两颗就停手了。妈也舍不得吃,眼睛直盯着榴莲看。我和朋友对望了一眼,吃了一个大概,就推说吃不下,让妈吃。 这里真好,到处充满人情味 爸妈在浮罗山背附近一个叫公巴(Teluk Kumbar)的小镇上交了30年的书,在这一带走动时常都会碰到自己的学生。开榴莲摊的、管榴莲山的、经营海鲜餐厅的,这些学生也都已经是五六十岁的阿伯阿婶了。爸爸兴致勃勃的走走停停,看到熟悉的榴莲摊就停下来聊天。谈到兴致,就说要上学生的榴莲山。我一夜没睡好,说真的要上山的意愿并不高,但是看到爸和妈兴高彩烈的样子,也不好扫他们的兴。 10年前上过的榴莲山,10后还是老样子。山路边的榴莲树依然伫立在那儿。不同的只是,爸和妈都老了,无法走上去,我们是开着车子上山的。爸爸的学生看到爸爸,高兴得不得了,采了好大一篮子比苹果还大的水蓊和两个尖不辣(cempedak)坚持要送给爸爸。只可惜榴莲已经送下山去卖了,吃不到。随行的朋友说,啊,这里真好,到处充满人情味。的确,在吉隆坡居住了这么多年,我还是会想念槟城的人情味。 车子满载着充满人情味的水果,下山了。爸爸说明年还要再来,我心里想:爸爸啊,我明年一定会回家吃榴莲的。只希望那时候你们还能够载着我,一起去吃榴莲。 文:裴拉(吉隆坡),刊登于星洲日报副刊

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爸妈在浮罗山背附近一个叫公巴(Teluk Kumbar)的小镇上交了30年的书,在这一带走动时常都会碰到自己的学生。开榴莲摊的、管榴莲山的、经营海鲜餐厅的,这些学生也都已经是五六十岁的阿伯阿婶了。爸爸兴致勃勃的走走停停,看到熟悉的榴莲摊就停下来聊天。谈到兴致,就说要上学生的榴莲山。我一夜没睡好,说真的要上山的意愿并不高,但是看到爸和妈兴高彩烈的样子,也不好扫他们的兴。




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Teochew porridge, Luo Han Kuo, durian https://www.juesatta.com/teochew-porridge-luo-han-kuo-durian/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=teochew-porridge-luo-han-kuo-durian https://www.juesatta.com/teochew-porridge-luo-han-kuo-durian/#comments Sun, 08 Aug 2010 20:03:18 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=4796 It was the Sunday of the week before, when Victor Chan’s partner, Sook-Kwan came to Melaka to pay Victor’s family a visit. After picking her up from the bus station,...

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From right: Wee-Peng, Murphy and Ann at the durian stall

From right: Wee-Peng, Murphy and Ann at the durian stall

It was the Sunday of the week before, when Victor Chan’s partner, Sook-Kwan came to Melaka to pay Victor’s family a visit. After picking her up from the bus station, we went for a breakfast in Malim Jaya. Even though I had only met Soon-Kwan during Victor’s funeral, we became good friends since then. Time and tears really helped comfort us the loss of a good friend, we but cherished his memory, the memory which became a treasure to all of us who know Victor.

After a wonderful breakfast with Sook-Kwan and sending her to Victor’s house, Murphy and his partner, Ann, Wee-Peng and I met up for brunch. Wee-Peng suggested to go for something he did not have for some time, which then came to his mind, Teochew porridge. The four of us just love Teochew porridge and our favorite eating place for it would be the Teochew porridge restaurant in Kampung Jawa however it is close on every Sunday. We had to go for the second option which was the other Teochew porridge restaurant in Bukit Cina.

Teochew porridge is a full meal made up of many cooked side-dishes such as pickled lettuce, salted duck egg, salt fish, braised tofu and many more, served with a Teochew style rice porridge. We loved it not because the dishes are strong in flavours, also as the dishes served in small amount, we could pick many different delectable dishes to go with the porridge. Though I was full after meal with Sook-Kwan, I could not resist having some of it.

After brunch, Murphy gave us the suggestion of going to Bunga Raya for Luo Han Kuo dessert. It isn’t far from Bukit Cina, 3 minutes drive from Teochew porridge restaurant. It is a pushcart at the street adjacent to Bunga Raya Road, selling Luo Han Kuo for decades and well-known among the locals. I had it so much and loving it, since I was brought up in Bunga Raya.

Luo Han Kuo (or Luo Han Guo for pronunciation in Chinese) refers to Siraitia grosvenori, a sweet fruit used as sugar substitute and medicinal herb for treating cough and sore throat. The fruit is usually used by the Chinese in making dessert served with ice, seeing that it is so refreshing for us who live in this extreme weather of Malaysia. And Murphy’s craving could explain its taste as he had 3 bowls of the Luo Han Kuo dessert in few minutes.

While wandering where to go next by sitting at the old street of Bunga Raya, Murphy again proposed to go for durian to help in our digestion, although we knew it was irrelevant. Our stomach was filled with watery porridge and dessert. However, speaking of durian none of us would say no. We then traveled to Klebang to look for durian stalls.

During the durian season every year, there are many fruit stalls offer durian in Melaka. And the long stretch of road along the Klebang beach is one of these places to look for durian. There is no telling of which sells better durian, but the word of mouth. We gambled our luck on this durian stall at the roadside, which then turned out to be dissatisfaction of the durian’s quality at the price the stall offered.

We are surely looking for an alternative place for durian soon. May all beings be happy. Share some shots I took:

Teochew porridge in Bukit China:

Luo Han Kuo in Bunga Raya:

unknown durian stall in Klebang:

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July.August 2010 https://www.juesatta.com/july-august-2010/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=july-august-2010 Mon, 02 Aug 2010 08:22:43 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=4700 July.August, the wettest period in the west coast of Malaysia and also the season for Malaysian’s favorite fruit, durian. Recently, many of our friends got sick due to the weather...

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July.August, the wettest period in the west coast of Malaysia and also the season for Malaysian’s favorite fruit, durian. Recently, many of our friends got sick due to the weather change and also the excessive consumption of durian, which known to be a heaty fruit, raising body temperature after taking. We hope that everyone stays healthy and happy.

Sharing some shots I took in July which are uncategorized. They were all taken in my lovely hometown, Melaka. May you find serenity in juesatta.



"Don't touch my girl!"

"Don't touch my girl!"





Ballet (left:Wan-Ting, right: Kenn-Wai)

Ballet (left:Wan-Ting, right: Kenn-Wai)

Rain dew

Rain dew

Breaking through

Breaking through



Oranges and apples

Oranges and apples

The post July.August 2010 appeared first on juesatta (CJ Photography).
