famine – juesatta (CJ Photography) https://www.juesatta.com Melaka, Malaysia wedding and portrait photographer Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:26:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 https://www.juesatta.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/favicon-2018-100x100.png famine – juesatta (CJ Photography) https://www.juesatta.com 32 32 137874494 10月16日世界粮食日‧全球粮食荒‧大马酒肉臭 https://www.juesatta.com/10%e6%9c%8816%e6%97%a5%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e7%b2%ae%e9%a3%9f%e6%97%a5%e2%80%a7%e5%85%a8%e7%90%83%e7%b2%ae%e9%a3%9f%e8%8d%92%e2%80%a7%e5%a4%a7%e9%a9%ac%e9%85%92%e8%82%89%e8%87%ad/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10%25e6%259c%258816%25e6%2597%25a5%25e4%25b8%2596%25e7%2595%258c%25e7%25b2%25ae%25e9%25a3%259f%25e6%2597%25a5%25e2%2580%25a7%25e5%2585%25a8%25e7%2590%2583%25e7%25b2%25ae%25e9%25a3%259f%25e8%258d%2592%25e2%2580%25a7%25e5%25a4%25a7%25e9%25a9%25ac%25e9%2585%2592%25e8%2582%2589%25e8%2587%25ad Thu, 18 Oct 2012 11:26:29 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=10291 世界正面临粮食短缺危机,庆幸的是大马人仍过著丰衣足食的生活。正因如此,大马人严重缺乏对粮食危机的醒觉意识。 据统计,大马人每天丟弃约1千500万公斤的食物残渣,其中的10至15%是还可食用或被浪费的食物,等於丟掉300至450辆罗里的食物。 这里不缺蔬果鱼肉,食物供应充足,粮食短缺对我们来说似乎是非常遥远的事。 然而,粮食危机是有连锁效应的,它牵一发而动全身,对全世界影响,危机离我们並不远。 10月16日是世界粮食日,今年的主题是“农业合作社:养活世界的关键"(Agricultural Cooperatives : Key to Feeding The World)。 配合世界粮食日,我们来探討饥饿与粮食荒和我们有甚么关係。 畜牧业是粮荒罪魁祸首之一 汤礼聪:鼓励吃素救地球 绿色生活协会(Green Living Society)主席汤礼聪说,在极端的天气条件下,全球暖化、气候转变,全世界正面临粮食短缺危机,但本地人丝毫未曾察觉其严重性。 他指出,人类一年吃掉4千亿只动物,世界人口不断增长,基於人类的需要,畜牧业不断扩大。而大部份的种植品,如玉米和大豆都用来餵养动物。因此,畜牧业是世界粮食危机的主要的罪魁祸首之一。 “为了紓缓粮食短缺问题,人类必须减少肉类消耗。联合国也鼓励人们吃素食拯救地球。" 马每4儿童一人超重 汤礼聪指出,全世界每隔5秒就有人死於饥荒,其中75%是儿童。而在东南亚国家中,大马最多孩子有肥胖的问题。 根据马来西亚肥胖儿童儿科工作小组研究的调查显示,大马每4名儿童就有一人超重或肥胖。 “全世界有三分之一的人足够温饱,有三分之一的人食物不足,剩余的三分之一人口处於挨饿状况。 “大马人被归为首个部份(足够温饱),他们的健康问题都与食物有关,但非並挨饿,而是营养过剩、肥胖问题。" 从小没养成珍惜食物习惯 “新生代的肥胖问题源自於父母纵容孩子吃垃圾食物多过日常正餐。这导致孩子们在用正餐时,吃不下而浪费不少食物。父母允许孩子浪费食物,並没有教育他们,因此孩子们从小就没有养成珍惜食物的习惯。 他说,大马人在舒服的环境太久,从未经歷严重的环境灾难或粮食危机,所以在这方面的意识相当低。 他补充,年长者因曾体验艰难的生活,比较懂得珍惜食物。到了年轻一代,生活条件提高了,人们的购买能力也相渐提高,往往毫无节制地消费,特別是年轻人和小孩子对食物不懂得感恩,从未意识到浪费食物的问题,这种情况令人感到担忧。 反对以木薯製塑胶袋...

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10月16日是世界粮食日,今年的主题是“农业合作社:养活世界的关键"(Agricultural Cooperatives : Key to Feeding The World)。





绿色生活协会(Green Living Society)主席汤礼聪说,在极端的天气条件下,全球暖化、气候转变,全世界正面临粮食短缺危机,但本地人丝毫未曾察觉其严重性。




























































[source : http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/264896?tid=67]

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30-Hour Famine 2012 in Malaysia 马来西亚饥饿30 https://www.juesatta.com/30-hour-famine-2012-in-malaysia-%e9%a9%ac%e6%9d%a5%e8%a5%bf%e4%ba%9a%e9%a5%a5%e9%a5%bf30/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=30-hour-famine-2012-in-malaysia-%25e9%25a9%25ac%25e6%259d%25a5%25e8%25a5%25bf%25e4%25ba%259a%25e9%25a5%25a5%25e9%25a5%25bf30 Tue, 10 Jul 2012 06:23:05 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=9866 About hunger crisis Now the world’s population has reached 7 billion, the demand for food is even more pressing. The question we need to ask now is: will there be...

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30-Hour Famine (google image)

30-Hour Famine (google image)

About hunger crisis

Now the world’s population has reached 7 billion, the demand for food is even more pressing. The question we need to ask now is: will there be enough food to feed 7 billion people?

Technically, there is, but still…

Hard Facts:

Why do 925 million people go to bed hungry every night?

Our agricultural system is inefficient

The effects of severe climate changes

Escalating global food prices.

Do you know that, each year, 5 million children under the age of 5 die of malnutrition?

About 30-Hour Famine

The 30-Hour Famine is a global movement against hunger and poverty. Over the years, the 30-Hour Famine has gained a reputation as one of the biggest and most fun fundraising event in the world particularly among youths and young adults.

By going without solid food for 30 hours, you can bring change to the lives of those impacted by hunger and poverty. You can give them access to improved health care, a better quality of life and most importantly, HOPE for a brighter tomorrow.

Participants will have an opportunity to get a first-hand simulated experience of living life in dire conditions through various Famine Challenges and educational movies. At the end of the fasting period, participants will break-fast together at their respective DIY Camp venues or to participate in the the 30-Hour Famine centralised Countdown event.

In Malaysia, how did it start?

The first 30-Hour Famine in Malaysia started back in 1997 and it was a joint effort between World Vision Malaysia and Sin Chew Daily in response to the famine in North Korea. Funds poured in and a record of RM2.6 million was raised.

What happened next?

The 30-Hour Famine slowly gained its popularity. Major corporates joined the movement by offering their support in terms of sponsorship. In the year 2002, HELP University College came on board and played host for both the English and Chinese camps. Thanks to the strong media support, the 30-Hour Famine movement in Malaysia continues to attract more of the public to participate in this movement.

30-Hour Famine Do-It-Yourself Camps

In the year 2008, 30-Hour Famine was introduced in a new format, the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) format. This enabled people from other states in Malaysia to take part in the Famine movement. 50 DIY camps were held across Peninsular Malaysia in, after which campers attended a star-studded countdown event.

Still up and moving!

The 30-Hour Famine movement continues to gain support from both old and new participants. New elements such as the 8-Hour Kidz Famine for children aged 12 and below was introduced to educate the younger generation on social concerns and Famine Youth Leaders who were given an opportunity to learn more about World Vision’s work and to share with their peers and the public.

What can you do

1. Join The Famine!
Go hungry so others don’t have to. Together, we can overcome hunger.

2. Spread The Word
Speak out and advocate for change! Share the Famine page with your friends through Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or blog!

3. Champion The Cause
There is enough food in the world but food is not equally distributed. Why not get your school club or company to provide for the hungry by joining the 30-Hour Famine or giving to the Famine Fund?

4. Sponsor a child!
Give a child a shot at life by transforming his community. This is a long-term commitment to ensure he and his community will be fed and be self-subsistent in the long run!

5. Eat right and Stay Healthy
You owe it to yourself to eat right to stay as fit as a fiddle every day. Given the access to nutritious natural foods in Malaysia, there are no excuses to practice unhealthy diets or skip your meals unnecessarily!

6. Make the Change
Change your own lifestyle and live prudently. Let’s not be wasteful with food and learn to be grateful for what we have.

[source : http://www.worldvision.com.my/famine/]

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Help for Horn of Africa food crisis https://www.juesatta.com/help-for-horn-of-africa-food-crisis/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=help-for-horn-of-africa-food-crisis Sat, 06 Aug 2011 13:13:41 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=7419 The Horn of Africa is facing what has been called the worst drought in 60 years, wiped out livestock and  with an left left millions in need of food and...

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juesatta awakening foundation (draft logo)

juesatta awakening foundation (draft logo)

The Horn of Africa is facing what has been called the worst drought in 60 years, wiped out livestock and  with an left left millions in need of food and water in the country which is already suffering from civil unrest. Tens of thousands have fled their homes, walked for weeks in search of food. Many young children have died along the way.

Please donate whatever you can afford and save lives. And you will give protection and offer hope to people who are in an extremely desperate situation. Here, at juesatta, we’ve made a USD $150.00 to aid the the emergency relief operation and will continue to seek supports. If you wish to donate, kindly contact us or make your donation to unicef.

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A greater humanitarian response is needed as crisis deepens in the Horn of Africa https://www.juesatta.com/a-greater-humanitarian-response-is-needed-as-crisis-deepens-in-the-horn-of-africa/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-greater-humanitarian-response-is-needed-as-crisis-deepens-in-the-horn-of-africa Tue, 02 Aug 2011 19:02:27 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=7406 NEW YORK, USA, 1 August 2011 – As the crisis in the Horn of Africa deepens, the United Nations has warned that all of southern Somalia could slip into famine...

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Horn of Africa: “The children’s famine” (image from www.euronews.net)

Horn of Africa: “The children’s famine” (image from www.euronews.net)

NEW YORK, USA, 1 August 2011 – As the crisis in the Horn of Africa deepens, the United Nations has warned that all of southern Somalia could slip into famine in the next two months. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost already, and many more are at stake, yet the international community remains slow in its humanitarian response.

In all, more than 11 million people desperately need help in the nations of eastern Africa stricken by drought, conflict and rising food prices. If the world doesn’t act quickly enough, some 566,000 children fighting severe malnutrition could lose their struggle to survive.

Among the most urgent needs in the crisis response are therapeutic food for malnourished children, safe water for tankering in drought-stricken areas, bed nets to prevent malaria, and family kits for people on the move – like the thousands of refugees who are crossing into Kenya from Somalia. Safe havens and learning spaces for children are priorities, as well.

Funding gap

“We have a huge need right now for airlift operations to get in the ready-to-use therapeutic food,” says UNICEF’s Director of Public Sector Alliances and Resource Mobilization, Afshan Khan. “So if there are in-kind donations in terms of airlift and air operations, that will be extremely helpful.”

Despite repeated warnings from many UN agencies that the situation in the Horn of Africa was critical, the response from donors – both public and private – has been limited. To date, UNICEF faces a funding gap of more than $200 million for its emergency operations in the region, including over $120 million for Somalia alone.

“Only when people started crossing the borders,” says Ms. Khan, “was the world able to see the severity of the situation that children really faced – the haunting images of children that were malnourished, dying not only from lack of food but lack of water.”

Child deaths are also occurring, she adds, “due to measles and [other] epidemics that could be easily fixed if we had sufficient resources to vaccinate children, to ensure they got appropriate nutrition … and the provision of clean water and sanitation.”

‘A moral obligation’

Droughts have become cyclical in eastern Africa, and 2011 has been the driest in 60 years. Add to that the recent sharp rise in food prices, a long-running conflict in Somalia and a lack of infrastructure, institutions and planning to prevent future crises, and you have the ‘perfect storm’ that is the current emergency.

Click to help now!

Click to help now!

“There is a lot of work to be done in the short term to help address the immediate crisis,” says Ms. Khan, “but also in the medium and longer term, to build resilience and coping mechanisms of communities who by now have been hit with a cycle of drought and floods over a number of years.”

All eyes are now on the international community to take more concerted action on behalf of children at risk in the Horn of Africa.

“Children don’t choose where they are born, to whom they are born, what type of government rules them, what type of context within which they will grow up, thrive and survive,” notes Ms. Khan. “There is a moral obligation to respond in this crisis. We are all human beings.”

By Priyanka Pruthi
[source: http://www.unicef.org/emerg/index_59445.html]

The post A greater humanitarian response is needed as crisis deepens in the Horn of Africa appeared first on juesatta (CJ Photography).

A child dies for hunger every 6 seconds https://www.juesatta.com/a-child-dies-for-hunger-every-6-seconds/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-child-dies-for-hunger-every-6-seconds Thu, 16 Sep 2010 20:23:35 +0000 http://www.juesatta.com/?p=5407 14 September 2010, Rome – FAO and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today said that the number of hungry people in the world remains unacceptably high despite expected...

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starvation (image from https://jspivey.wikispaces.com/)

starvation (image from https://jspivey.wikispaces.com/)

14 September 2010, Rome – FAO and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today said that the number of hungry people in the world remains unacceptably high despite expected recent gains that have pushed the figure below 1 billion.

The new estimate of the number of people who will suffer chronic hunger this year is 925 million — 98 million down from 1.023 billion in 2009.

“But with a child dying every six seconds because of undernourishment related problems, hunger remains the world’s largest tragedy and scandal,” said FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf. “This is absolutely unacceptable.”

MDGs achievement difficult

The continuing high global hunger level “makes it extremely difficult to achieve not only the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) but also the rest of the MDGs,” Diouf warned.

“The achievement of the international hunger reduction target is at serious risk,” he added, further noting that recent increases in food prices, if they persist, could hamper efforts to further reduce the numbers of the world’s hungry.

“Vigorous and urgent action by nations and the world has been effective in helping to halt galloping hunger numbers,” said WFP Executive Director, Josette Sheeran. “But this is no time to relax.  We must keep hunger on the run to ensure stability and to protect lives and dignity.”

Flagship report

The new hunger figure is contained in the annual flagship report, “The State of Food Insecurity in the World” (SOFI) to be jointly published by FAO and WFP in October. The figure was released in advance of the September 20-22 Summit meeting in New York called to speed progress towards achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the first of which is to end poverty and hunger.

Last May Diouf also launched a “1 billionhungry campaign” aimed at inciting world leaders into taking firm and urgent action to end hunger. More than half a million people have already signed an online petition calling on politicians to make hunger reduction their top priority and a million are expected by the end of this year.

Yukiko Omura, Vice President of IFAD, said, “the world’s hungry are not just numbers. They are people — poor women and men struggling to bring up their children and give them a better life; and they are youth trying to build a future for themselves. It is ironic that the majority of them actually live in rural areas of developing countries. Indeed, over 70 percent of the world’s extremely poor — those people who live on less than US$ one a day — live in rural areas. That’s a billion people, and four out of five of them are farmers to some extent or the other.” 

Economic growth, lower prices

The 2010 lower global hunger number resulted largely from renewed economic growth expected this year — particularly in developing countries — and the drop in food prices since mid-2008. The recent increase in food prices, if it continues, will create obstacles in the further reduction of hunger.

Of the eight Millennium Development Goals solemnly agreed by the UN in 2000, MDG 1 pledged to halve the proportion of hungry people from 20 to 10 percent by 2015.With five years to go, that proportion currently stands at 16 percent, however.

Previously, in 1996, a World Food Summit had for the first time set a quantitative target of halving the number of hungry people from roughly 800 million in 1990-92 to about 400 million by 2015. Achieving that goal would mean cutting the number of hungry by over 500 million in the next five years.  

Structural problem

The fact that historically the number of undernourished continued to increase even in periods of high growth and relatively low prices indicates that hunger is a structural problem, FAO said. It is therefore clear that economic growth, while essential, will not be sufficient to eliminate hunger within an acceptable period of time, FAO added. But “success stories do exist in Africa, in Asia and in Latin America,” Diouf noted. These experiences need to be scaled up and replicated.

Globally, the 2010 hunger figure marked a decline of 9.6 percent from the 2009 level. This reduction was mostly concentrated in Asia, where 80 million fewer people were estimated to be going hungry this year. In sub-Saharan Africa the drop was much smaller – about 12 million – and one out of three people there would continue to be undernourished.

Key findings

Other key findings of the report included:

• Two thirds of the world’s undernourished live in just seven countries — Bangladesh, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan.

• The region with the most undernourished people continues to be Asia and the Pacific with 578 million.

• The proportion of undernourished people remains highest in sub-Saharan Africa at 30 percent in 2010, or 239 million.

• Progress varies widely at country level. As of 2005-2007 (the most recent period for which complete data was available), the Congo, Ghana, Mali and Nigeria had already achieved MDG 1 in sub-Saharan Africa, and Ethiopia and others are close to achieving it. However, the proportion of undernourished rose to 69 percent in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

• In Asia, Armenia, Myanmar and Viet Nam had already achieved MDG 1 and China is close to doing so.

• In Latin America and the Caribbean, Guyana, Jamaica and Nicaragua had already achieved MDG1 while Brazil is coming close.

[source: http://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/45210/icode/]

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