
Juesatta Awakening Foundation

Save Malaysia Stop Lynas on upcoming 13th general election

By Involvement
Save Malaysia Stop Lynas on upcoming 13th general election

Save Malaysia Stop Lynas on upcoming 13th general election


Translations of this message from today’s Sin Chew Daily paper to English and Malay.

Thanks to Jason Tan and Chow-Gui for helping. Stop being a fool! Vote wisely for a greener, cleaner and better Malaysia.


Do you want to sacrifice the future of your children?

These are the children living near Asian Rare Earth in Bukit Merah, Perak. Lin Li-Jun, died of leukemia in 1991. Gao Bao-An, died of leukemia in 1992 as well. Hu Zhi-Hao, died of Brain Cancer in 1992. Zheng Wei-Cheng, died of leukemia in 2005, and Wang Zhi-Jian died of leukemia.

China is also paying the price for having rare earth plants in their country at Bao Tou, China’s Inner Mongolia. In ten years, 77 people have died of cancer and the place is being known as ‘Cancer Villages’.

Four days later you will decide on what future you want for you and your future generation and also decide on whether to have ‘Cancer Villages’ in Malaysia. Please take some time to analyze the issues below :-

• Even countries with large land areas like China, Japan, America and Australia does not want to have rare earth plants anymore, Malaysia which is much smaller compared to all the above countries is running the largest rare earth plant in the world. If you believe that having a rare earth plant in Malaysia is safe, then you are a FOOL!!

• Malaysians are not aware of the Lynas plant until it was exposed by the New York Times magazine in 2011. Ironically, the Lynas plant has already started to build since 2008 and if you ever believe there is transparency shown by the relevant government bodies, then you are a FOOL!!

• By the regulations under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Basel Convention, of which Malaysia is one of the signatories, Lynas is prohibited from transporting its radioactive waste from Malaysia to another country. Our Health Minister, Liow Tiong Lai however stated that Lynas will export the radioactive waste from the rare earth production out of Malaysia. And if you still believe, then you are a FOOL!!

• Current government stated that they can recycle the waste from the production of rare earth without telling to you that only the non-radioactive waste can be recycled. They are misleading the public. If you still believe them, then you are a FOOL!!

• 30 years ago, the Perak state government agreed upon using our nation resources to keep 80,000 steel barrels of radioactive waste from the Bukit Merah rare earth plant, at the dump in Perak for 300 years. Now, Lynas’s plant in Kuantan is ten times or more larger than the Bukit Merah’s one, and is estimated to produce a million steel barrels of radioactive waste. If you think that the current government is thinking of your health then you are a BIG FOOL!!

If they are making a fool out of you and are taking you and your future generations’ health for a ride, what you should do?

Hi, I’m Tan Bun Teet and I am 65 years of age, a retired teacher and a grandfather. I do not have any political background. When I know that my beautiful homeland will host the largest rare earth plant in the world, my heart is broken and I felt of migrating to another country with my children and grandchildren.

In the end, I decided to stay on because I found there also many people here, have the same spirit to fight injustice till the end for our homeland.

SMSL (Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas) has never politicize this Kuantan’s rare earth plant issue. We have gone through all the proper channels provided by the current government, to appeal and complain but to no avail. We even brought up this matter to court with international expert on rare earth to stop Lynas operation in Malaysia but we failed.

In the end, the government just ignore us by telling us ‘ Lynas is safe’ . The license to operate a rare earth factory is issued to Lynas, and the rare earth material is secretly brought into our country.

Is the ‘rakyat didahulukan’ (people first) in this matter? Does the government really care for us?

Now we have been forced to use the last resort — a political approach into the rare earth plant.

So the coming 5th of May 2013, please use your power to vote! You can vote as a fool, OR vote for as a wise person!!

SMSL Chairperson
Tan Boon Teet





中国也因为稀土提炼而付出代价,在内蒙古的包头, 10年间有 77 人死于癌症,已经成了着名的癌症村。


• 当地大如大陆、日本、美国和澳洲的国家都不敢再提炼稀土,而地小的马来西亚政府却建了一座全世界最大的稀土提炼厂,还说Lynas稀土厂是安全的。如果你相信的话,你就是笨蛋!!

• 当Lynas事件是美国一家杂志New York Times 在 2010年公佈后,我们马来西亚人民才惊觉原来在 2008年时 Gebeng已经开始偷偷的兴建一家全世界最大的稀土提炼厂。如果你还相信相关政府部门有透明度,你就是笨蛋!!

• 当马来西亚已经签了不能把辐射废料运输出国的国际公约(Basel Convention),而卫生部长廖中莱却说Lynas会把辐射废料运出国来敷衍我们。如果你相信的话,你就是笨蛋!!

• 当原任政府却告诉我们他们能够再循环稀土废料,他们却没告诉你能再循环的只是没有辐射的部份,他们是有意图的在误导人民。如果你相信的话,你就是笨蛋!!

• 当 30 年前的霹雳州政府签约用国家的钱来库存红坭山稀土厂的 8 万桶辐射废料 300年,而现在的 Lynas 稀土提炼厂比红坭山的还要大十倍以上,如果你认为一个以后要在马来西亚境内库存一百万桶辐射废料的政府是关心你的健康的话,你就是个大笨蛋!!



拯救大马委员会(SMSL)一直以来都没有政治化关丹稀土厂的事情,一直都用着原任政府所提供的管道来提呈诉求、示威,甚至也用了国外的权威稀土厂专家来在法庭上讼诉来阻止 Lynas稀土厂的运作。能够合法做的一切,我们都做了。

最后,原任政府只是告诉了我们一句「稀土厂,没问题。」然后就发了执照给 Lynas,还神不知,鬼不觉的就把稀土运到了马来西亚。

Rakyat 真的有 Didahulukan吗?他们真的在乎我们吗?

我们已经被逼得要走最后一条路 —— 要政治化稀土厂事件!

来临的 5 月 5 日,请善用你神圣的投票权!你可以投下笨蛋的一票,或者选择投下有智慧的一票!!

陈文德 敬启



Adakah anda mahu mengorbankan anak-anak anda?

Ini adalah kanak-kanak yang tinggal berhampiran Asian Rare Earth di Bukit Merah, Perak. Lin Li-Jun, meninggal dunia akibat leukemia pada tahun 1991. Gao Bao-An, meninggal dunia akibat leukemia pada tahun 1992 juga. Hu Zhi-Hao, meninggal dunia akibat kanser otak pada tahun 1992. Zheng Wei-Cheng, meninggal dunia akibat leukemia pada tahun 2005, dan Wang Jian Zhi-meninggal dunia akibat leukemia.

Negara China juga telah dihukum dengan membina kilang nadir bumi di negara mereka di kawasan Bao Tou, China Inner Mongolia. Dalam sepuluh tahun, 77 orang telah meninggal dunia akibat kanser dan tempat itu dikenali sebagai ‘Kampung Kanser’.

Empat hari dari sekarang, anda akan membuat keputusan mengenai hala tuju dan masa depan untuk anda dan juga untuk anak buah anda. Adakah anda akan memilih untuk mempunyai ‘Kampung Kanser’ di Malaysia? Semua berada di tangan anda. Sila ambil masa untuk menganalisis isu-isu berikut: –

• Walaupun negara-negara dengan kawasan tanah yang besar seperti China, Jepun, Amerika, Australia tidak berani untuk mempunyai kilang-kilang nadir bumi lagi, Malaysia yang jauh lebih kecil berbanding dengan semua negara-negara di atas telah membenarkan pembinaan loji bumi nadir terbesar di dunia. Jika anda percaya bahawa dengan adanya sebuah kilang nadir bumi di Malaysia adalah selamat, maka anda adalah BODOH.

• Rakyat Malaysia tidak mengetahui kilang Lynas sehingga ia didedahkan oleh majalah New York Times pada tahun 2011. Ironinya, kilang Lynas telah pun bermula dibina sejak 2008 dan jika anda pernah percaya ada ketelusan yang ditunjukkan oleh badan-badan kerajaan yang berkaitan, maka anda adalah BODOH.

• Selain itu peraturan-peraturan di bawah Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Program Alam Sekitar (UNEP) Konvensyen Basel, di mana Malaysia adalah salah satu penandatangan, Lynas dilarang mengangkut sisa radioaktif ke negara lain. Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai bagaimanapun menyatakan bahawa Lynas akan mengeksport sisa radioaktif daripada pengeluaran nadir bumi dari Malaysia. Dan jika anda masih percaya, maka anda adalah BODOH.

• Kerajaan sekarang menyatakan bahawa mereka boleh mengitar semula sisa daripada pengeluaran nadir bumi tanpa memberitahu kepada anda bahawa hanya sisa bukan radioaktif boleh dikitar semula. Mereka mengelirukan orang ramai. Jika anda masih percaya kepada mereka, maka anda adalah BODOH.

• 30 tahun lalu, kerajaan negeri Perak telah setuju untuk menggunakan wang negara kita untuk menyimpan 80,000 tong keluli sisa radioaktif dari loji Bukit Merah untuk 300 tahun di Perak. Sekarang, Lynas adalah sepuluh kali lebih besar daripada kilang nadir bumi di Bukit Merah, dan dijangka menghasilkan lebih daripada 1 juta tong keluli sisa radioaktif. Jika anda berfikir bahawa kerajaan sekarang adalah memikirkan kesihatan anda maka anda adalah seorang BODOH.

Jika mereka telah memperbodohkan anda dan juga mengambil anda dan kesihatan generasi masa depan anda dengan selamba, apa yang perlu anda lakukan?

Hi, saya Tan Bun Teet dan saya berumur 65 tahun, seorang guru bersara dan telah menjadi datuk. Saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa latar belakang politik. Apabila saya sedar bahawa tanah air yang indah saya akan menjadi tuan rumah kilang bumi nadir terbesar di dunia, hati saya lemah dan merasakan untuk berhijrah ke negara lain dengan anak-anak dan cucu-cucu saya. Akhirnya, saya memutuskan untuk kekal kerana saya dapati terdapat juga ramai orang di sini, mempunyai semangat yang sama untuk melawan ketidakadilan sehingga akhir untuk tanah air kita.

Jawatankuasa SMSL (Save Malaysia Stop Lynas) tidak pernah mempolitikkan isu kilang nadir bumi di Kuantan. Kami telah menggunakan semua saluran yang betul yang diberikan oleh kerajaan semasa, merayu dan mengadu tetapi usaha kami tidak berhasil. Kami juga membangkitkan perkara ini ke mahkamah dengan pakar antarabangsa mengenai nadir bumi untuk menghentikan operasi Lynas di Malaysia tetapi kami telah gagal.

Akhirnya, kerajaan telah mengabaikan kami dengan memberitahu kami ‘Lynas adalah selamat. Lesen bagi mengendalikan kilang nadir bumi dikeluarkan kepada Lynas, dan bahan-bahan nadir bumi telah dibawa masuk secara rahsia ke dalam negara kita.

Adakah ‘Rakyat Didahulukan’ dalam perkara ini? Adakah kerajaan benar-benar mengambil berat tentang kita?

Sekarang kita telah terpaksa menggunakan pilihan terakhir – satu pendekatan politik ke dalam loji nadir bumi.

Jadi pada 5 haribulan Mei 2013, sila gunakan kuasa anda untuk mengundi. Anda boleh mengundi seperti orang bodoh, atau mengundi sebagai orang yang bijak.

Pengerusi SMSL
Tan Bun Teet

Indonesia: Rescue of starving orangutans highlights conservation plight

By Compassion
Starving orangutan, Indonesian Borneo (image: IAR Indonesia)

Starving orangutan, Indonesian Borneo (image: IAR Indonesia)

Footage of starving orangutans in West Kalimantan on Indonesian Borneo shows the wanton destruction of the great ape’s dwindling habitat in the pursuit of wealth.

Despite being a member of the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil), Bumitama Gunajaya Agro violated the rules of the organization by depriving orangutans and other endangered species of their homes and food through deforestation. International Animal Rescue and conservation staff from the Indonesian government have already rescued four starving orangutans from the palm oil plantation. They will be moved to areas of forest with more food.

From a press release by International Animal Rescue (IAR):

We know that there are more orangutans isolated in small patches of forest in this plantation along with other protected wildlife such as proboscis monkeys. All the animals in this plantation are under threat and therefore this company should stop all land clearing immediately, carry out habitat assessments and develop strategies to protect all the endangered wildlife in their estate.

–Adi Irawan, Program Director, IAR Indonesia

Footage of the rescue operation shows the shocking condition of the starving orangutans.

In related news, conservation officials rescued two Sumatran orangutans in a village in Aceh. Many orangutans have been pushed out of their habitat in the Rawa Tripa peatland region of Aceh due to the construction of palm oil plantations.

From the Jakarta Globe:

Under such conditions, the orangutans can’t find sufficient amounts of food, so they starve to death. Sometimes, they are even murdered by locals or plantation workers.

–Ian Singleton, director, Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program

Despite laws designed to protect the species, much of the struggle seems to depend on NGOs and volunteer conservationists. One such group is the Orangutan Project, founded by Australian Leif Cocks, who, together with local volunteers and other orangutan groups, patrols the jungles of Sumatra and Borneo in order to “deter wildlife poaching, illegal logging and land clearing in Indonesia”. This is a dangerous job and according to Cocks, a member of his team dies in the line of duty nearly every year. Read more on that story

The growth of palm oil plantations is largely fuelled by the biodiesel, food and cosmetic industries, owned by multinational corporations like Nestle and Unilever, who pump palm into every product they can.

Check out similar stories of starving and abused orangutans from Science Daily and theDaily Mail.

Orangutan family in Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan, Borneo. (image: Russ Watkins (Flickr CC))

Orangutan family in Tanjung Puting National Park, Kalimantan, Borneo. (image: Russ Watkins (Flickr CC))

[source :]

Fotografia (Earth Hour 2013)

By Beautiful Melaka, Involvement, Photography
wonderful world

wonderful world

At 8:30 p.m. today, people around the world will celebrate Earth Hour by turning off their lights for one hour in a symbolic show of support for the planet. Earth Hour brings awareness to climate change and symbolizes a commitment and concern for managing climate change. Started nine years ago, the movement now spans thousands of cities in countries around the globe.

Earth Hour raises awareness and provides a unique opportunity for collective action aimed at doing something positive for the environment. It is not just about saving energy for that one hour, but it symbolizes a concern for managing climate change and commitment to adopting environment-friendly practices and habits in everyday life.

So let us participate in the Earth Hour, not only to conserve energy but to raise awareness on the need to protect the environment.

Sharing some of the shots taken in year 2012. May all beings bEE happy.

lazy sunday lazy felix

lazy sunday lazy felix

monday blue

monday blue

sharing love

sharing love

hi there

hi there



four out of ten

four out of ten

sweet saturday

sweet saturday



coffee for rainy monday

coffee for rainy monday

cloudy tuesday

cloudy tuesday

from the other side

from the other side

little creature says morning

little creature says morning

durian stall

durian stall



welcome to melaka

welcome to melaka

sun bathing

sun bathing



the beca-man

the beca-man



red piano

red piano

lady cat

lady cat

monday's dream

monday’s dream

chinese wooden clog

chinese wooden clog

"grandpa, what's that?"

“grandpa, what’s that?”

klebang beach

klebang beach

friday raya holiday

friday raya holiday

selamat hari raya

selamat hari raya



jetty walk

jetty walk

Ring’s return brings new life for Kansas City homeless man

By Wisdom
Billy Ray Harris returns the diamond engagement ring to owner Sarah Darling. (image: KCTV5)

Billy Ray Harris returns the diamond engagement ring to owner Sarah Darling. (image: KCTV5)

A homeless man who returned a diamond engagement ring to a woman who mistakenly dropped it into his donation cup when she was giving him some spare change now stands to be handsomely rewarded for his selfless act.

A fund set up on for Billy Ray Harris, the man who was panhandling on the streets of Kansas City, Mo., earlier this month when he received the valuable donation in error, had gotten more than $146,000 in donations as of Monday evening.

“It is good to know honesty still exists despite one’s circumstances which Mr. Harris exemplifies!” wrote one poster, who donated $25. Another who gave $100 added: “People from all over the world salute.”

The donations – more than 6,000 of them in varying amounts – have come in from all over the United States, as well as from Germany, Sweden, Australia, Ireland and other countries. In addition to the congratulations and good wishes that they offered, some donors also urged that Harris receive help to manage the money that was earmarked for him.

Harris himself seemed to be bemused by the outpouring.

“What I actually feel like is, what has the world come to when a person returns something that don’t belong to them and all of this happens?” he said last week in an interview with KTNV-TV, an ABC News affiliate in Las Vegas.

When Harris saw the unintentional donation in his cup on Feb. 8, he kept it safe until its owner, Sarah Darling, returned to ask about it. Her wedding and engagement rings had reportedly been bothering her, so she removed them and put them into her purse, and that’s how they ended up in Harris’ cup, KCTV reported.

News of Harris’ act – and Darling’s gratitude – have spread. KTNV-TV reported that complete strangers have sought Harris out to congratulate him and give him food.

The fund was started 10 days ago by Darling’s husband, Bill Krejci. It will close in 80 days, at which time the money will be given directly to Harris, according to a note on the fund’s web page.

In a note that Krejci posted on the website on Feb. 23, he wrote that he had met with Harris and they had chatted.

This is the ring Sarah accidentally dropped into the coin cup. (image:

This is the ring Sarah accidentally dropped into the coin cup. (image:

“We talked about a lot of things related to my family’s ring and the many donations. We talked about one day in the future the ring may one day be passed down to my daughter. We talked about how insanely positive all this has been. We talked about what he’s planning to do with the donations. The details would be better left for later but know that he has a very solid plan and a very solid way of making it happen,” Krejci wrote.

Another bit of good has apparently come out of Harris’ sudden fame. He and his sister have reconnected after having lost touch more than 20 years ago. She lives in Texas and has reportedly offered him a place to stay with her, KTVN reported. Harris is considering the offer.

[source :]

Midway: Message from the Gyre

By Compassion, Wisdom
Chris Jordan's photographs of bird carcass with stomach full of plastic.

Chris Jordan’s photographs of bird carcass with stomach full of plastic.

Sharing a heart wrenching video I saw from the net. People need to realize what we do to our environment and take the appropriate steps to keep it clean, and in our current situation clean it up.

Do our beautiful earth a favor, start with each self by producing less garbage and manage our waste better. 

The MIDWAY film project is a powerful visual journey into the heart of an astonishingly symbolic environmental tragedy. On one of the remotest islands on our planet, tens of thousands of baby albatrosses lie dead on the ground, their bodies filled with plastic from the Pacific Garbage Patch. Returning to the island over several years, our team is witnessing the cycles of life and death of these birds as a multi-layered metaphor for our times. With photographer Chris Jordan as our guide, we walk through the fire of horror and grief, facing the immensity of this tragedy—and our own complicity—head on. And in this process, we find an unexpected route to a transformational experience of beauty, acceptance, and understanding.

We frame our story in the vividly gorgeous language of state-of-the-art high-definition digital cinematography, surrounded by millions of live birds in one of the world’s most beautiful natural sanctuaries. The viewer will experience stunning juxtapositions of beauty and horror, destruction and renewal, grief and joy, birth and death, coming out the other side with their heart broken open and their worldview shifted. Stepping outside the stylistic templates of traditional environmental or documentary films, MIDWAY will take viewers on a guided tour into the depths of their own spirits, delivering a profound message of reverence and love that is already reaching an audience of tens of millions of people around the world.

Production of the feature film “MIDWAY” continues through 2013.
Please go to for more information.

For more information:

To donate:

Midway Project blog, team details, production diary videos:

Facebook – behind the scenes photos, latest updates



Alice Pyne has taught us all how to live

By Compassion
Alice Pyne (facebook photo)

Alice Pyne (facebook photo)

We can learn a great deal from the all too short life of Cumbria’s exceptional Alice Pyne.

The question is, of course… will we?

A young girl, given dreadful diagnosis of a cancer that would almost certainly claim her life, had every right – at the age of 12 – to retreat into self-pity and dark gloom.

But she did precisely the opposite. Alice moved up a gear in the business of living, kept a smile on her face, vowed to relish every minute and worked to give strength to others similarly blighted by life-threatening conditions.

She listed all the fun experiences she wanted under her belt before death claimed her – ticked them off her bucket list happily, raised £100,000 for charity into the bargain and humbled the powerful, famous and influential with her instinctive, sunny kindness.

Alice was 17 when she died at the weekend. Her mum Vicky described her as having gained her angel wings. She had certainly earned them – probably without realising how richly she’d deserved them.

Thousands of tributes were paid to this youngster on her passing. People she had never known or met felt her loss and knew she had left behind an empty space few others could ever hope to fill.

And there is one of the lessons we, who grumble and complain so routinely and regularly we embrace pessimism as second nature, should be learning from Alice.

This special girl knew the true value of a smile. She accepted optimism as the friend that would see her cheerfully through life – however short – and death.

She has taught that it is not the length of days that matter but what we make of our days that counts.

For those of us who have been at a distance from Alice, watching in amazed admiration as she inspired quietly and intuitively to be better than we are, it’s hard to shed tears for the passing she knew she would face.

Her loss will be deeply painful for her family and friends, of course. But they must know they have been privileged to have been close to an exceptional young woman, gifted with immense wisdom.

For our part, if memory of Alice Pyne’s uncompromising philosophy of eternal sunshine can hold us back from carping and sniping, criticising others – falsely believing it makes us seem clever – we will have learned something life-changing from her short but enlightening time with us.
