All existence would be perfect 完美的存在

By Drawing and artwork, Wisdom
All existence would be perfect - by CJ

All existence would be perfect - by CJ

I remember reading this story from a book:

Once was an Indian guru giving a talk. He said, “Life is perfect, everything is wonderful.”

Speaking of that, a hunchback man in the audience stood up and opposed, “Look at me, guru. I am the evidence of imperfection. I overthrew your statement that life’s perfect. Look at me again, I am a hunchback, I am so ugly, and I am so useless.”

The guru looked at him, said solemnly, “Dear friend, you are the most beautiful hump I’ve ever seen.”

We often feel that we are imperfect and unsatisfy with our current life. In fact, it is based from our own judgment. Open the hearts and all existence would be perfect.






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By Compassion
孟卡兰(Mother Mangalam):真正瞭解自己宗教,对宗教有信心的人,是不会排斥其他宗教知识的。(图:星洲日报)

孟卡兰(Mother Mangalam):真正瞭解自己宗教,对宗教有信心的人,是不会排斥其他宗教知识的。(图:星洲日报)













“我们一直谈宗教和谐、各族团结, 但光说是没有用的,真正的和谐来自心灵;心是否靠在一起、接纳与尊重彼此?只有心的距离近了,各族及宗教间的隔阂才会变小。”

陈禎禄辛班登翁嘉化 是孟卡兰眼中英雄

孟卡兰表示, 在她的社会服务工作中出现不少给予她协助,或影响她的人,如敦陈禎禄、敦辛班登、拿督翁嘉化等,这些人都是她眼中的英雄。



“ 我隨手拿一些书来翻看,几乎每一页都有他的笔记、標记等,证明他很用心去认识及吸纳各种知识;一个知识渊博的人,就会有像海一样包容一切的胸怀。”


她说, 敦辛班登受印度国父甘地的影响深远,不求名利,只求为社会大眾谋取更多福利。

“ 他永远是一身简单的粗布白衣,连出席国会会议也一样, 要东姑阿都拉曼提醒他在一些特別重大的场合应该穿大衣,他才穿比较华丽的衣服。”


真正达一个大马目標 一视同仁对待各族



瞭解自己宗教 不抗拒他教







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A surprise guest, JJ to Melaka

By Beautiful Melaka, Photography
JJ, my ex-college friend who came with Yih-Shyang to Melaka

JJ, my ex-college friend who came with Yih-Shyang to Melaka

During the mid of August, I got a visit from my formal college friend, Yih-Shyang. He came and visited me months ago and then he was to come again. This time Yih-Shyang rang me and informed me that he would bring another friend with him from Kuala Lumpur. I didn’t question on that and thought that it would be his partner.

On that morning, Yih-Shyang drove and arrived at my place. It was really surprise when I saw the guest in the car! He was another ex-college mate whom I had not met for 7 years. JJ was the friend whom Yih-Shyang came with. We were so happy to see each other again because we had so much fun back in college. He was always a kind and easy-going guy.

JJ at the Cheng Ho Tea House

JJ at the Cheng Ho Tea House

It was rather a brunch, I brought the two of them to Jeta Groove. It is one of my favorites local Nyonya restaurants and also my favourite dessert, Nyonya durian chendol. After having some food at the restaurant, the durian chendol was served. It is a dessert which consists of shaved ice, coconut milk and red bean, and sweetened with gula Melaka (a kind of brown sugar). Its main ingredient is chendol, or noodle-like strips made of green bean flour strips. By the name of it, durian chendol is the chendol with some durian meat added into it and becomes so tasty. Both Yih Shyang and JJ just fall for it after taken.

After the meal, we had no idea where to go. They didn’t make plan for the day, rather to visit me and unwind in Melaka. Thinking it would be a great idea to sit down and have a good chat, we then went to have a Chinese tea ceremony at the Cheng Ho Tea House. We chatted while enjoyed the tea ceremony done by Mrs. Lai from the tea house. Before long Yih Shyang went into photography topi. Yih Shyang was suggesting doing some portrait photography and I nominated JJ.

JJ was however reluctant to be our model initially. Giving an excuse of keeping a memoir for JJ, we then took some photos of JJ at the tea house. Gradually we started to pose him and giving him commands what to do. He knew he was tricked but he was always nice and soft-hearted, therefore being obedience. So we had a nice tea and good photography session.

During the afternoon, we then headed to the seaside close to the Eye of Malaysia. After sight-seeing, we went to the bush area and continued our portraiture shooting of JJ. He was demanded to jump while we took some shots, until he got his muscles hurt. Yih-Shyang and I felt sorry for him and promised him a delicious dinner on that evening.

JJ posing for the camera in the bust near the Eye of Malaysia

JJ posing for the camera in the bust near the Eye of Malaysia

Soon the dusk fell and we were starving. We then drove the Portuguese Settlement and quickly took some shots of sunset with only Yih-Shyang’s camera as the battery of my camera had gone flat. Then we picked a restaurant and had what Yih-Shyang requested, a Portuguese style seafood dinner. The serving was far more than what we ordered. Without wasting any food, we had everything on the dining table. In addition to that, both of them again fall for the local mango juice and each of them had 4 cups of it.

They would want to go to the Jonker Street for a walk of the night market. After the extravagant dinner we had, we were however so full that we wanted to go home and just sleep off the food coma that we were in. Yih-Shyang then took me home and we said goodbye.

Thanks to Yih-Shyang and JJ, who came all the way from Kuala Lumpur to visit me. I had a good time and was happy to see the both of them and update of their living. Sometimes it’s amazing to see how old friends have changed, to see how their lives are exciting or tragic or full of love (both of them good qualifiers of a life well lived).

Yih-Shyang and JJ had promised to come to Melaka again soon. Hope that they are happy now and I am looking forward to see them again. Share some shots of JJ.

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Why animal rights?

By Compassion, Wisdom
Newborn (by Yannis Charatsidis)

Newborn (by Yannis Charatsidis)

“The question is not ‘Can they reason?’ nor ‘Can they talk?’ but ‘Can they suffer?'”
– Jeremy Bentham

Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. Many of us bought our beloved “pets” at pet shops. We had guinea pigs and kept beautiful birds in cages. We wore wool and silk, ate McDonald’s burgers, and even fished. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question “Why should animals have rights?”

In his book Animal Liberation, Peter Singer states that the basic principle of equality does not require equal or identical treatment; it requires equal consideration. This is an important distinction when talking about animal rights. People often ask if animals should have rights, and quite simply, the answer is “Yes!” Animals surely deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. Jeremy Bentham, the founder of the reforming utilitarian school of moral philosophy, stated that when deciding on a being’s rights, “The question is not ‘Can they reason?’ nor ‘Can they talk?’ but ‘Can they suffer?'” In that passage, Bentham points to the capacity for suffering as the vital characteristic that gives a being the right to equal consideration. The capacity for suffering is not just another characteristic, like the capacity for language or higher mathematics. All animals have the ability to suffer in the same way and to the same degree that humans do. They feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and love. Whenever we consider doing something that would interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take those needs into account.

Supporters of animal rights believe that all animals have an inherent worth—a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans. We believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering. Animal rights is not just a philosophy—it is a social movement that challenges society’s traditional view that all nonhuman animals exist solely for human use. As PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk has said, “When it comes to pain, love, joy, loneliness, and fear, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. Each one values his or her life and fights the knife.”

Only prejudice allows us to deny others the rights that we expect to have for ourselves. Whether it’s based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or species, prejudice is morally unacceptable. If you wouldn’t eat a dog, why eat a pig? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but it is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner.

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Happy birthday to Cinda

By Drawing and artwork
Happy birthday to Cinda

Happy birthday to Cinda

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun, and today, the editor of juesatta, Cinda has started a new journey. It’s a special day for Cinda and the all of us.

Cinda is always a kind and faithful friend, someone who always cares about others more than herself. Not only does Cinda create laughter among us, rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.

Happy birthday to Cinda and hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true. We’d also like to express our gratitute and thanks to Cinda for helping in juesatta. May you be happy always.

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By Beautiful Melaka, Compassion, Photography
地球村 - 马来西亚国庆节快乐

地球村 - 马来西亚国庆节快乐








这里有一条別名叫“Harmony Street”(和谐街)的街道,因为该街100米不到的距离间,並排了3座宗教场所:建於18世纪的古兴都庙,同样建於18世纪的回教堂,还有一座建於17世纪最古老的青云亭。不同宗教,种族,文化的人们,在这条街上和谐共存数百年,可见当时马六甲王朝之民风包容与宽厚。最为特殊的,要数该老回教堂了。因为在其屋簷下,还刻了相当显著的华人婚礼常用吉祥字“囍”,这验证了各族人民当时的宗教包容精神。市郊的一个老回教坟场,里头立有一座凉亭,亭內石碑刻有“蔡氏兄弟建於清朝宣统二年”的字样。

市內闹街与Hang Kasturi英雄墓隔邻的华人百年老庙;圣约翰山麓的华人古墓与回教老墓相依为伴了数百年,这些都证明了些甚么?我也还清楚记得儿时玩伴Abu,如何在其甘榜家中教会了我我星期一至星期天的马来文名词。





亲爱的朋友们,祝国庆节快乐。Selamat Hari Merdeka.

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