
Juesatta Awakening Foundation


By Involvement

Blood bank (image from

Blood bank (image from


这项捐血运动將在武吉波浪的BB Bazar旁边举行,时间是早上9时至下午1时。

此区州议员邱培栋在週六(5月1日)早上举行的新闻发佈会上,吁请此区居民热情响应这项捐血运 动。


他希望有约百人前往支持这项活动。今日的出席者包括回教堂甲州青年团团长卡玛鲁丁、行动党武吉 波浪支部主席林亚弟和財政徐世德。

Please support: the blood donation held on the 9th of May 2010 (Sunday) from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the BB Bazar of Bukit Beruang, Melaka.



By Compassion










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Lincoln and the helpless little creature

By Compassion, Drawing and artwork, Wisdom

Lincoln and the helpless little creature - by CJ

Lincoln and the helpless little creature - by CJ

“I could not have slept tonight if I had left that helpless little creature to perish on the ground.”
– Abraham Lincoln

In reply to friends who chided him for delaying them by stopping to return a fledgling to its nest.

Compassion is how a mother’s tender heart quivers at the pain and suffering of her child when the child is sick. A mother is willing to do anything to alleviate her child’s suffering. As with boundless love, we also develop compassion to all beings who suffer pain and despair. A compassionate person cannot possibly be cruel to any being.

Love is the greatest kindness of all is a mother’s boundless, unconditional and protective love for her child. If we can shower a mother’s love on all living beings, our love would be boundless, unconditional and non-discriminatory. It’s boundless because we are reaching out to all beings. It is unconditional because we do not love with conditions attached or expectations of rewards or reciprocation. It is non-discriminatory, and this means it is given to all and not through selective choice or to one more than the other.

If we realize that all beings are subject to same vulnerability and mortality where all of us suffer from pain and eventual death, and all of us also appreciate being loved and cared for, then it makes sense to extend our love to all beings boundlessly, unconditionally and without discrimination. Just as we love our family and friends, let us widen our circle of love and kindness, and extend these feelings of goodwill and caring to encompass all living beings.

by Chan Kay Yein, Ph.D.

Chimpanzee mothers carry their mummified dead infants

By Compassion
The chimpanzees continue to provide care for their deceased infants. (Credit: Oxford University, Dora Biro)

The chimpanzees continue to provide care for their deceased infants. (Credit: Oxford University, Dora Biro)

Recently at Discovery News we told you how chimpanzees confront death. They do so in ways that are very similar to our behavior toward dying friends and relatives.

On the surface, it might at first seem that chimpanzee mothers break from those noted similarities. When their offspring die as infants, the mothers will continue to carry and groom the dead bodies until the mothers are able to gradually let go of them. By that time, the infant’s body has usually mummified.

The behavior likely mirrors, at least to some extent, the biophysical reaction of human mothers when they too lose young sons or daughters. Right after birth, the mother’s body is hormonally, and in many other ways, ready to care for the infant. Even after a baby dies, the physical connection can take time to adjust. This isn’t even taking into account the emotional bond.

Chimpanzees go through this adjustment period in a very literal way, by continuing to provide care for their deceased infants.

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日AV女优苍井空盼为青海做事 微博筹款赈灾

By Compassion

日本AV女优苍井空 (Aoi Sola)





日本AV女优苍井空 (Aoi Sola)在自己的微博宣布,拟发起为青海灾民筹款的活动,让很多中国粉丝们感动。苍井空说,自从得悉 青海发生大地震后,她的心情一直非常难过,希望自己能为青海做点事。

日本AV女优苍井空 (Aoi Sola)在自己的微博宣布,拟发起为青海灾民筹款的活动,让很多中国粉丝们感动。苍井空说,自从得悉 青海发生大地震后,她的心情一直非常难过,希望自己能为青海做点事。
