
Juesatta Awakening Foundation

[新闻] 脑溢血不治‧父母圆意愿‧富家女捐器官遗爱人间

By Compassion
















Plankton decline across oceans as waters warm

By Compassion
Phytoplankton in its myriad varieties is essential for life in the oceans

Phytoplankton in its myriad varieties is essential for life in the oceans

“Phytoplankton… produce half of the oxygen we breathe, draw down surface CO2, and ultimately support all of our fisheries”
Professor Boris Worm
Dalhousie University

The amount of phytoplankton – tiny marine plants – in the top layers of the oceans has declined markedly over the last century, research suggests.

Writing in the journal Nature, scientists say the decline appears to be linked to rising water temperatures.

They made their finding by looking at records of the transparency of sea water, which is affected by the plants.

The decline – about 1% per year – could be ecologically significant as plankton sit at the base of marine food chains.

Algal blooms can be imaged from space

Algal blooms can be imaged from space

This is the first study to attempt a comprehensive global look at plankton changes over such a long time scale.

“What we think is happening is that the oceans are becoming more stratified as the water warms,” said research leader Daniel Boyce from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

“The plants need sunlight from above and nutrients from below; and as it becomes more stratified, that limits the availability of nutrients,” he told BBC News.

Phytoplankton are typically eaten by zooplankton – tiny marine animals – which themselves are prey for small fish and other animals.

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By Drawing and artwork, Wisdom

Novelist and wife - by CJ

Novelist and wife - by CJ







小说家毕竟是小说家,他想出个妙主意。他编了一个故事,把自己与太太的现实处境转托成两个虚构人物的经历。为了能被妻子领悟,他还特意引用了他们夫妻间以往 生活中若干特有的细节。在故事的结尾,他让那对夫妻离了婚,并特意写道:那个妻子对丈夫已经没有了爱情,一滴眼泪也没有流地走了,以后隐居在南方的森林小 屋,靠丈夫补偿给她的足够的法郎,悠闲自得地消磨着自由的时光……












State of higher awareness

By Wisdom
Jiddu Krishnamurti (photo from

Jiddu Krishnamurti (photo from

This short excerpt is from Krishnamurthi’s response in one of his many talks he participated in during his life time (1895 – 1986) where he is explaining the state of higher awareness and his rational for trying to achieve it:


Mind cannot think completely, fully, if it is tethered to a belief.  It is like an animal that is tied to a post by a string.  It does not matter if that string be long or short; it is tied, so that it cannot wander fully, freely, extensively, completely; it can only wander within the length of the string.  Surely such wandering is not thinking; it is only moving within a limited circle of a belief.  Now, men’s minds are tethered to a belief, and therefore they are incapable of thinking.  Most minds have identified themselves to a belief, and therefore their thought is always circumscribed, limited by that belief or ideal; hence the incompleteness of thought.  Beliefs separate people.  So, if you see that, if you really recognize with your whole being that belief is conditioning thought, then what happens?  You become aware that your thought is conditioned, aware that your thought is caught up, tethered to a belief.  In the flame of awareness, you will recognize the foolishness, and therefore you are beginning to free the mind from the conditioning, and hence you begin to think completely, fully.

Please experiment with this, and you will see that life is not a process of continual battle, battle against standards as opposed to what you want to do.  There is then, neither what you want to do, nor the standard, but right action, without personal identification.

Take another example.  You are afraid of what your neighbor might say – a very simple fear.  Now, it is not good developing the opposite, which is to say, “I don’t care what the neighbor says, “ and do something in reaction to that opposition.  But if you really become aware of why you are afraid of your neighbor, then fear ceases altogether.  To discover that “why”, the cause of it, you have to be fully aware in that moment of fear, and then you will see what it is; you are afraid of losing a job, you want to fit into society, and all the rest of it.  So, you begin to discover through this process of alertness of mind, this continual awareness; and in that flame the dross of the false standards is burnt away.  Then life is not a battle.  Then there is nothing to be conquered.


Where the mind is enslaved, conditioned, there must be conflict, there must be suffering, because, after all thought is like waters of a river.  It must be in continual movement.  Eternity is that movement.  If you condition that free flowing movement of thought, of mind and heart, then you must have conflict and then that conflict must have a remedy and then the process begins; the searching for remedies, the substitutes, and never trying to find out the cause of this conflict.  So, through the process of full awareness, you liberate the mind and heart from the hindrances which have been set about them through the environment; and as long as environment is conditioning the mind, as long as the mind has not discovered the true significance of the environment, there must be conflict…


天下故事: 尼国‧捡拾弃米求暖肚

By Compassion


(尼日利亚)在尼日利亚北部卡齐纳州(Katsina)的一个著名穀物市集,工人正忙著搬运一袋袋用麻包袋包装的玉米粒,哈莉拉阿朵(Harira Ado)一手抱著18个月大的女儿,一路捡拾散落在地上的穀类来养活家人。




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